Wednesday, April 27, 2022 Sunny Breezy Clear skies 69 degrees 5:47 p.m.
Wednesday, the middle of the week. As the camel says, “Hump Day”. this evening there isn’t much going on that I have heard about. Church services at several churches. Boll practice at a few fields, In Knoxville there is an opening play at one of the theaters and several sales at different stores. Here, we will have a quiet evening watching some TV and then bed. It is nice that tomorrow morning we don’t have to get up at 4:30. Of course, I usually sleep until 6:00 a.m. but occasionally get up at the same time she does. Especially on Sunday mornings.
The neighbor gal, Pamela, came over with her dog, Roxie, this afternoon. She was telling about the great pie she bought. She said it was a lemon pit with a fluffed up marshmallow top and was so light and fluffy and so good. Who new lemon could taste so good. We both laughed and told her that it wasn’t marshmallow on top, that it was meringue. She didn’t believe us and had to google it. She couldn’t imagine egg whites could taste so good. So we told her that the Soup Kitchen had the best Lemon Meringue pie around. I just wonder if that is where her and her dad went to eat tonight.
Quote of the day: Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope—a slight change and all patterns alter, Sharon Salzberg Cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society.
Have a wonderful rest of your Hump Day. Make it a adventurous, exciting, enjoyable and fun time.