Friday, May 27, 2022 Cloudy Breezy Possible Thunder Storm, 65 Degrees 4:46 p.m.
A very weather active Friday. We have had thunder storms, sunshine, clouds, wind, just rain, and down pours. The plants are over well watered and the roses look beaten. All need attention and I will probably go out and work a bit on the roses at least. The canella plant has grown a foot and is doing well. We have no mosquitoes out front. I am going to get one for out back also.
I am in hopes that the rain is over with for now and that the sun will come out and dry things off. Here we have had no flooding. No trees down and I haven’t heard of any major damage. Kentucky seem to get the brunt of the storms. They had a tornado last evening I believe. Key have a Knox County and that seems to get the major storm warnings along with other parts of Kentucky, North Carolina and on up the coast. I hate hearing about the damage from the tornadoes and sever thunderstorms.
The picture above is our trip to the hockey game in February or March. It is, from left to right, me, Dottie and Tammy. Tina took the picture. That was a fun outing. We plan to do that again but have no clue when. Our next outing is planned for June and a trip to Williamsburg, Kentucky, . to shop at the Amish market and also site see. The area has a lot of historic places as well as beauty. The Amish make the best jams. And each area seems to have their own Amish towns and the jams are different, even with the same names. I think it is the soil that the berries and fruit are raised in. They are very industrious people. Their furniture is absolutely breathtaking.
Quote of the day: If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. The Dalai Lama Religious leader.
Have a fantastic, enjoyable, friends and family filled, healthy, safe, and fun Memorial Day weekend. Please don’t forget the reason for who and what we celebrate Memorial Day.