Monday, May 2, 2022 Sunny, Humid, Still 81 Degrees 6:40 p.m.
Monday! the first Monday in the month of May, 2022. The flowers are blooming all over. Our Azaleas are so pretty, white and shining in the flower bed. We have buds on the rose bush and the vine with the beautiful pink flowers is going strong with both flowers and buds. Bill nest door has Azaleas that are red and they are also bright and beautiful as are his geraniums.
We had a good weekend, Tina worked in her garden for a bit, after she got home from work, then we went to a couple of garage sales. One was good and one was not so good and one just had kids things. I bought a bag of bows. We then came home and did a few thing around here then watched TV for a bit.
Sunday after Charles Stanley and Tina got home from work Jerry and Tammy came and picked us up to go on a short outing. Tammy had bought a new KVA (Sp) van that seats 8 so had to take us for a ride in it. After picking us up we went to Dottie’s and picked her up, then to Robbie’s and picked him up. then we went to an ice cream palace and had a big ice cream cone. So good! Then the reverse trip back. It was fun and the new vehicle is lovely. they made the decision to get a bigger van as Jerry’s grand kids are getting bigger and requiring more room. And if they want to take All of us it is far more comfortable with two or three sitting in the far back, then two or three sitting in the middle and two in front, one being the driver. That does make a lot of sense. It was a fun outing with fun people.
Today has been warm and sunny and nice. Of course, it is laundry day so have done the laundry. Dottie came over and we had a good visit. Poor Max got attacked by a big dog yesterday. He wasn’t seriously hurt but is sore and a bit shaken up. the dog belonged to her neighbor who didn’t know that he had gotten out. Today Max seems to be O.K. but still not totally himself. I think he is a bit sore in the rib area.
We have had dinner, BBQ ed chicken and trimmings and now it is news time.
Quote for the day: There are spaces between our fingers so that another person’s fingers can fill them in.
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a pleasant, sunny, smiling, good feeling, fun day.