Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Sunny, Calm, Beautiful 78 Degrees 7:44 p.m.
Another beautiful day here in Oak Ridge Tennessee. I have watched the birds and they are very busy building nests and I think feeding babies. The bird feeders sure go down to empty quite fast so the birds around here aren’t going hungry, We have three feeders out plus the hummingbird feeder. They are eyeing the container garden also and I think that putting a screen over it might help to keep their interest elsewhere.
Today went to Knoxville as I had a doctor’s appointment. When he got through telling me that the knot on my leg that I noticed yesterday was a bug bite of some sort. I was glad to hear that it was just a bite and nothing serious. He said that it would disappear in a few days.
A long tip for just that but better safe then sorry. Tina asked him about the e-rays she had taken last Friday and he confirmed that she had no broken bones, so will just have to let the sourness work its’ way out. He did send her to Dr. Hamilton concerning her knee and hip as they have been bothering her for quite awhile. so she was happy that nothing was broken and she will do the exercises that were prescribed.
Pamela came over and we played Scattergories Categories and Yahtzee. That took the rest of the afternoon and into the dinner hour. Tina left for work just before Pamela came over. That is how the day has gone. Now it is time for me to do the dishes and get things ready for the evening.
Quote for the day: The average human heart beats 100,000 times a day. Make those beats count.
Have a great rest of your day. Make it a terrific, productive, amazing and fun day.