Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Partly Sunny, Slight Breeze Beautiful 81 Degrees 5:17 p.m.
Another busy day in East Tennessee. I had my 6 month physical today and learned I have lost 6 pounds since November. Everything is good, and I don’t have to go back until November unless I need to. Here is hoping I don’t need to.
This early evening Kevin is coming to finish changing out the outlets and light switches, making sure they all work and are wired correctly and making them all match. He has a couple of junction boxes to install as there are at least two places that do not have them. One is the light above the sink. It will be nice to have all of that completed. then we can work on our nest project which will be replacing all the window screens. They are starting to wear and have holes in them here and there so we can’t open the windows without letting bugs in. We want to be bug free while letting in fresh air.
Other then that, a quiet and uneventful day. I am working on photos and starting to get my family tree going. That should be fun and interesting. I would like to use a combination of old and new pictures and get both sides of the family in there including the latest generation. I think this project will go on the wall in the hall upstairs. We shall see how far I get.
Tonight is Judge Paul Harvey on CBS at 8:00 p.m. He is so funny and so much better then Judge Judy. If you haven’t watched him, give it a try. We always wonder where theses people come from. Family originated.
Quote of the day: Never deprive someone of hope. It may be all they have. H. Jackson Brown Writer
Have a terrific Tuesday. Make it a Taco Tuesday and enjoy all the summer fair out in the back yard by the fire pit, having fun.