Thursday, May 19, 2022 Partly Cloudy Humid, Breezy 86 degrees 5:04 p.m.
Another warm spring day. A bit humid due to the thunderstorms that are north west of us. We have a 30% chance of receiving one this evening. We shall see.. We had the same chance last night and didn’t get one, so we can hope for another quiet night.
My Blog didn’t happen yesterday or last evening. the electrician was here and he didn’t get finished until 11:00 p.m. He went through all the electrical outlets and switches in the house, changed all to white rather then the “used tan old ones. He repaired several that needed rewiring or had loose wires, etc. Someone who lived here previously worked on changing things and probably didn’t know a whole lot about what they were doing. I am thinking it was the people who had all the little kids and “fixed ” the house so the kids couldn’t get get out without the adults.
Today has been cleaning up after yesterday. A good start to really deep cleaning. We ended up having to overhaul both vacuum cleaners as both were jammed. We have now decided that they need to be taken apart and really cleaned out at least every other week. The carpets up stairs and in the living room are very thick and we are still getting lots of dirt as well as cat hair. I can’t wait until we can get rid of them.
The above picture is of one of the look outs that we stopped at on our way home. The Smokies are so vast and so beautiful that stopping and looking and taking a picture is a must. Several people were stopped there, taking pictures and walking their dogs.
Quote of the day: What is Love? Imagine how much easier it would be for us to learn how to love if we began with a shared definition. Bell Hooks Writer and Critic
Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Make it a enjoyable, relaxing, Pizza eating and fun evening.