Thursday, May 26, 2022 Cloudy Rainy Windy 73 Degrees 5:03 p.m.
We were woken this morning by what sounded like a 747 plane hovering over the house. I finally woke up enough to realize that wasn’t likely so got up and looked out the window. The rain was coming down so hard and fast I couldn’t see the end of the carport much less across the street. That was quite the wake up call. Both cats went into hiding and Tina came to look out my bedroom window as she was a bit wary of the big cedar tree falling. I have no fear of that as it looks well grounded with roots going clear to China I am sure. She couldn’t see past the tree from her window.
The next thing was to go down stairs as Milo thought that since we were up he should get his breakfast. It was close to 6:00 a.m. so might as well accommodate him, and Sierra. Tina went down to do that and turn the coffee on. We had to get a coffee pot replacement as we found a crack in the old one. Not a large crack and not one that goes through on either side. I washed the new one and got the coffee ready to be turned ou this morning. Well, the coffee pot was not quite the same one as the original, so didn’t quite hit the top thing that pushes against the coffee dispenser. She turned around and had coffee all over the floor and coffee bar, etc. It was a mess. She got to clean it us as I was still upstairs making the beds and getting dressed. She was making a new pot of coffee using the old coffee pot. I guess our old coffee maker has upgraded and they sent us what they thought would be the right coffee pot. We have now ordered a new coffee maker that will come with a new pot that will be just like the one they sent. That was we will have an extra if needed. Our old coffee maker is about five years old so probably time for a new one.
Quote of the Day: There is no greater joy nor greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life. Sister Mary Rose McCeady Children’s advocate
Have a marvelous, cheerful, prosperous,, humorous and fun rest of your day.