MONDAY, MAY 23, 2022

Monday, May 23, 2022 Raining Cloudy Still 69 Degrees 4:05 p.m.

The above pictures are of our container garden. It is growing nicely and I am sure that today’s rain will help it grow more and better. Good English, I think, not! We have in the pots cucumbers, squash, and cantaloupe. In the gray bed we have lettuce, green onions, radishes, carrots and I am not sure what else. In the flower bed by the house we have tomatoes growing and starting to clime on the trellis. I am in hopes that they all do well and give us lots of good veggies this summer. Under the dogwood tree Tina has planted bulbs that will be up and flowering late this summer and fall. I am not sure just what they are. They will be pretty and that is all that matters.

WE had a quiet weekend. Friday was a day in Lenore City, TN, where Tina went to the eye doctor. We got there early ad it was anew town for us and a new doctor for her. We had lunch at Chili’s, then found the doctor’s office. That was not located where we thought it was as there are so many medical centers in each town and city that it gets quite confusing. But once there it was fine and very nice. While she was getting her eyes checked, examined, etc. I read my book. I get in some good reading while waiting on her eye examines. Afterward we came back to Oak Ridge, stopped at Kroger’s, then home.

Saturday Tina had to be at work at 5:00 a.m. so I slept in until 6:00, then got up and started my day. When she got home at around 10:00 a.m. we had breakfast, then dishes and such. Nothing exciting. Sunday was about the same. A very nice, relaxing, quiet weekend.

Today was garbage day and he came very early. It was a dash to get the can out there, but made it! then we had our coffee and such. Tina has done some yard work and I have cleaned up the kitchen, and done some housework. I worked on my stories and and now am about to go watch the news.

Quote of the day: Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make is a productive, positive, pleasant and fun one.


THURSDAY, MAY 19. 2022


Thursday, May 19, 2022 Partly Cloudy Humid, Breezy 86 degrees 5:04 p.m.

Another warm spring day. A bit humid due to the thunderstorms that are north west of us. We have a 30% chance of receiving one this evening. We shall see.. We had the same chance last night and didn’t get one, so we can hope for another quiet night.

My Blog didn’t happen yesterday or last evening. the electrician was here and he didn’t get finished until 11:00 p.m. He went through all the electrical outlets and switches in the house, changed all to white rather then the “used tan old ones. He repaired several that needed rewiring or had loose wires, etc. Someone who lived here previously worked on changing things and probably didn’t know a whole lot about what they were doing. I am thinking it was the people who had all the little kids and “fixed ” the house so the kids couldn’t get get out without the adults.

Today has been cleaning up after yesterday. A good start to really deep cleaning. We ended up having to overhaul both vacuum cleaners as both were jammed. We have now decided that they need to be taken apart and really cleaned out at least every other week. The carpets up stairs and in the living room are very thick and we are still getting lots of dirt as well as cat hair. I can’t wait until we can get rid of them.

The above picture is of one of the look outs that we stopped at on our way home. The Smokies are so vast and so beautiful that stopping and looking and taking a picture is a must. Several people were stopped there, taking pictures and walking their dogs.

Quote of the day: What is Love? Imagine how much easier it would be for us to learn how to love if we began with a shared definition. Bell Hooks Writer and Critic

Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Make it a enjoyable, relaxing, Pizza eating and fun evening.


TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2022


Tuesday, May 17, 2022 Partly Sunny, Slight Breeze Beautiful 81 Degrees 5:17 p.m.

Another busy day in East Tennessee. I had my 6 month physical today and learned I have lost 6 pounds since November. Everything is good, and I don’t have to go back until November unless I need to. Here is hoping I don’t need to.

This early evening Kevin is coming to finish changing out the outlets and light switches, making sure they all work and are wired correctly and making them all match. He has a couple of junction boxes to install as there are at least two places that do not have them. One is the light above the sink. It will be nice to have all of that completed. then we can work on our nest project which will be replacing all the window screens. They are starting to wear and have holes in them here and there so we can’t open the windows without letting bugs in. We want to be bug free while letting in fresh air.

Other then that, a quiet and uneventful day. I am working on photos and starting to get my family tree going. That should be fun and interesting. I would like to use a combination of old and new pictures and get both sides of the family in there including the latest generation. I think this project will go on the wall in the hall upstairs. We shall see how far I get.

Tonight is Judge Paul Harvey on CBS at 8:00 p.m. He is so funny and so much better then Judge Judy. If you haven’t watched him, give it a try. We always wonder where theses people come from. Family originated.

Quote of the day: Never deprive someone of hope. It may be all they have. H. Jackson Brown Writer

Have a terrific Tuesday. Make it a Taco Tuesday and enjoy all the summer fair out in the back yard by the fire pit, having fun.


MONDAY, MAY 16, 2022


Monday, MAY 16, 2022 BREEZY, PARTLY SUNNY, 79 DEGREES, 5:20 P.M.

A beautiful Monday. We had clouds this morning and thought we might have rain, but, all has been dry. No rain. I think we are done with the rain for a few days. Maybe until towards the end of the week. I will have to go out and water all the pretty plants.

We had a great weekend. Saturday we were up early and heading out the door by 6:00 a.m. We made a quick stop at the bank outdoor teller for some cash, then headed to Clinton to meet up with Dottie, Jerry and Tammy. there we climbed into their large and roomy vehicle and headed to Robbie’s home to pick him up. He was ready and waiting so got in and off we went. We stopped somewhere at a McDonald’s and got Sausage, egg and cheese biscuits or muffins, a drink and off we went again. We arrived at our destination a few minutes before having to board the train. We were now in Bryson City, North Carolina. We are about to take off on a 41/2 hour round trip excursion that will take us 44 miles to the Nantahala George and back.

What a beautiful trip that was they served us a box lunch on the way up and apple crumb pie on the way back. there was a “bar’ where we could get soft drinks and water. Someone said they had hard liqueur but I didn’t see anyone indulging in anything other then bottles of water and coke. It was a warm partly cloudy day so water was the drink of choice.

We didn’t see any four legged animals but did see a couple of eagles that came very close to us. So beautiful. That was a great experience. Also beautiful butterflies. The trees and plants, black berry bushes, ferns, mountain laurel and I don’t know what all else were everywhere. Lots of creeks and lakes, ponds and a river. I think there were two rivers. Here there are lots of rivers. Anyhow the trip was beautiful and well worth the long drive to get there.

We went to the gift shop afterward and that was nice, full of things and people. I bought a book and a DVD so will get around to reading that soon. It should be interesting and educational as far as that area is concerned. They have a lot of swift river rafting there. We sure had a great time.

Sunday we were a bit tired but managed to enjoy the stage play, Driving Miss Daisy. It was good, funny and very true to the movie. Dottie, Tina and I laughed a lot, then wept a few tears at the end. The playhouse isn’t large but very well thought out and put together. We do plan on going back for the next show that will be in July and watch, Forever Plaid. I think that is the next play. At Christmas time they will have The Sound of Music. We want to see that also.

Quite of the day: Follow the grain in your own wood. Howard Thurman (1900-1981) Clergyman.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a spectacular, fun filled, and caring, smiling kind day
