FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2022


Friday the 13th of May, 2022. Partly Sunny, Slight Breeze, 80 degrees 2:44 p.m.

I am doing my blog early as when Tina gets home we will be busy. I believe the electrician will be over this evening to finish changing out the electrical outlets. That will be a big accomplishment towards our never ending house upgrading.

Today I had lunch with Jerry at Chop Stick’s, then ran an errant and home. It was a fun outing and good company. The food was good also. Not much else going on today so am making my quote a bit longer.

Ouote of the Day: Making Decisions. William McKinley, the 25th U.S. President, once had to choose between two equally qualified men for a key job. He puzzled over the choice until he remembered a long ago incident.

O n a rainy night , McKinley had boarded a crowded streetcar. One of the men he was now considering had also been aboard, though he didn’t see McKinley. Then an old woman carrying a basket of laundry struggled into the car, looking in vain for a seat. The job candidate pretended not to see her and kept his seat. McKinley gave up his seat to help her. Remembering the episode, which he called “this little omission of kindness,” McKinley decided against the man on the streetcar. Our decisions— even the small, fleeting ones—tell a lot about us.

Adapted from Presidential Anecdotes. Paul F. Boller, Jr. Penguin Books

Have a great rest of your Friday. Make it a Happy, Cheerful, and lucky one. Have a safe, healthy, adventurous and fun weekend.



Wednesday, may 11, 2022 Mostly Sunny Slight Breeze 83 Degrees 7:02 p.m.

Another busy day in East Tennessee. Today we went to Knoxville as Tina had to pick up a copy of her x-rays from the other day. I had to return a pair of shoes that I thought would be good but were not. So sad as they were cute and very summery. After returning them we went to Turkey Creek to “Off Broadway” shoe store. I was looking for Easy Spirits shoes. they didn’t have them at that store. We looked around and I ended up with Sketchers Sandals. They are comfortable, and easy on and off. They also were much less then the pair I returned.. Sketchers are such good shoes for me.

We had a late lunch at Red Robin, then headed back to Oak Ridge. First stop was at the car service place as the engin light came on. It turned out to be nothing serious, a loose connection. But it took time for the service man to get out there to look at it. After that it was Walmart, Kroger’s and home. We were both ready to be home as it was quite warm out and humid.

The container garden is growing well and looking good. I am looking forward to fresh veggies and the Hearts of Gold cantaloupe that we planted. It will be nice to go out and pick the veggies for dinner.

Quote of the day: Live for the moment. If I have learned anything, it is that life forms no logical pattern. It is haphazard and full of beauties which I try to catch as they fly by, for who knows whether any of them will ever return? Margot Fonteyn (1919-1991)

Have a great rest of your day. Make it productive, cheerful and fun.


TUESDAY, MAY 10,2022


Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Sunny, Calm, Beautiful 78 Degrees 7:44 p.m.

Another beautiful day here in Oak Ridge Tennessee. I have watched the birds and they are very busy building nests and I think feeding babies. The bird feeders sure go down to empty quite fast so the birds around here aren’t going hungry, We have three feeders out plus the hummingbird feeder. They are eyeing the container garden also and I think that putting a screen over it might help to keep their interest elsewhere.

Today went to Knoxville as I had a doctor’s appointment. When he got through telling me that the knot on my leg that I noticed yesterday was a bug bite of some sort. I was glad to hear that it was just a bite and nothing serious. He said that it would disappear in a few days.

A long tip for just that but better safe then sorry. Tina asked him about the e-rays she had taken last Friday and he confirmed that she had no broken bones, so will just have to let the sourness work its’ way out. He did send her to Dr. Hamilton concerning her knee and hip as they have been bothering her for quite awhile. so she was happy that nothing was broken and she will do the exercises that were prescribed.

Pamela came over and we played Scattergories Categories and Yahtzee. That took the rest of the afternoon and into the dinner hour. Tina left for work just before Pamela came over. That is how the day has gone. Now it is time for me to do the dishes and get things ready for the evening.

Quote for the day: The average human heart beats 100,000 times a day. Make those beats count.

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a terrific, productive, amazing and fun day.


MONDAY, MAY 9, 2022


Monday, May 9, 2022 Sunny Clear Clam 76 Degrees 5:46 p.m.

A beautiful start to the work week. No wind, sunny, calm and welcoming. Th perfect day to do outdoor chores or play. Tina was o9ut checking the garden and flowers this morning, took a walk to the mail box this afternoon. I, not as eager to be outdoors, did go out and spray the roses and flowers with bug spray for roses and flowers. The bugs were terrible with the roses last year so wanted to catch it before they got going this year.

We had strong winds on Saturday so the azaleas didn’t fair so well. One bush hardly has any blossoms left, the other has many but a few look pretty sad. I think the strong winds and the hard rains got to them. Everything else seems to of don O.K. It is supposed to be clear and dry until the end of the end of the week.

Mother’s day was wonderful. We( Tina, Jerry, Tammy Dottie and I) went to North shore Park in Knoxville and had a picnic. It was cloudy, a bit cool and breezy but still very nice. there were a lot of other people there with the same idea. Also lots of people with their dogs and even some with children. We enjoyed KFC chicken, mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese, strawberry salad and cupcakes. All very yummy. It tasted so good as I think most of us were hungry.

I received a gift certificate to the Play theater here in Oak Ridge to take 2 guests and go see Driving Miss Daisy. We will go see that next Sunday afternoon, and I am taking Tina and Dottie as my guests. That should be a fun Sunday afternoon. Also beautiful card and a lighted gnome. He is cute. Beautiful Cards from Jerry and Tammy, Jeff and Nanette, and Tina

On Saturday, the 14th, we have to be at Dottie’s at 7:00 a,m, to take a 4 hour train ride in the Smokies with Jerry, Tammy, Dottie and Robbie. That will be so fun and interesting. Tina has the day off as one of the gals will work for her, so she will get to enjoy the trip also. More on that next wee.

Tina gave me a bouquet of tulips and is planting flowers under the dogwood tree that will bloom on and off all year long. That is a big gift as it is hard work for her to get down and plant. Tammy and Jerry came and helped put the bricks around the tree and get the dead grass and such out from under it. She widen the circle by at least a foot ot two feet so it will be beautiful with flowers. Tammy and Jerry also put all the bags of Miracle Grow dirt in there. She has to add a few more bags of dirt and then will be ready to go.

This week is a busy one with doctor appointments and nails and hair appointments plus she works so fits all that into the daily schedule. Wednesday she has an eye appointment with the doctor who will probably do the lazier and give her a shot in her eye. Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment with my primary care doctor. A busy week.

Quote for the day: You cannot live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. John Wooden Collage basketball coach

Have a great rest of your Monday and week. Make it prosperous, enjoyable, challenging, caring, gicing and fun.
