Thursday, June 2, 2022 Partly Cloudy Rain off & On 83 Degrees 5:02 p.m.

My first blog of June, 2022. It has been a bit busy around here so haven’t gotten to the computer in a few days. I had a great Memorial Day weekend and so far this week has bee busy but good.

I “dog sat” Saturday afternoon through Sunday early afternoon. The above picture is of Murphy and Lacy. Murphy on guard in case the squirrel comes in the yard, and Lacy enjoying a sun bath. Finley was on the porch with me, in the shade and resting between games of fetch and tug-of -war. They are very good and well mannered puppy dogs so it is a pleasure to spend time with them. They are also small enough for me to play with and not get knocked oown in the process. I guess age makes a difference.

Monday we had our car port pressure washed. It looks so nice and neat and clean now. Since Tina had to work I asked Jerry to come over and be here as I didn’t know the gentleman that was to do the work. It turned out that he had another job so his wife and her brother came to do the pressure washing. I was glad Jerry was here as he understood more of what had to be done and what couldn’t be done then I did. That was a major help.

Jerry, and Tammy brought hot dogs, chips, potato salad and a strawberry desert for our Memorial Day get together. Dottie came with Max and it was so much fun. Tammy received a hotdog cooker for he birthday so she brought it and cooked the hot dogs on it. They were great. They even brought the Red, White and Blue paper plates and napkins. So fun and so good. They left shortly before Tina got home form work. Dottie was still here so Tina got to hear all about the fun and also the pressure wash adventure. And she got hot dogs and all that went with it. They had had about the same thing at work as H.D. brought in the hot dogs and grilled them and hamburgers and everyone else brought in the side dishes. And they were busy. Go figure!

Yesterday Tina had her corporal tunnel surgery so is home for two weeks healing. She is keeping her wrist and hand on a pillow and trying to behave and not do much of anything. I think it will be a long two weeks for her, trying to not use that hand. She goes back and gets the stitches out on the 16th and plans on returning to work on the 17th. by then she will be stir crazy. She should catch up on all her TV programs if nothing else.

The weather has been hot, especially for this time of year. We were in the 90’s the past three days and the roses just plane burned. I trimmed them back this morning and sure hope that they come back strong a pretty again. We had a terrific thunder storm that dumped at least an inch of rain on everything so sure hoped that helps all the plants. It also cooled things off as now it is 75 degrees and 5:24 p.m.

Quote of the day: Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. Jane Howard (1935-1996) Writer

Have a marvelous rest of your Thursday. Make it a enjoyable, adventurous, prosperous, kind, caring and fun one.
