FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2022

Friday, June 10, 2022 Partly Sunny Slight Breeze Rain Maybe 80 Degrees 5:26 p.m.

A beautiful day here in East Tennessee. The weatherman said that next week we will have temperatures in the 100″s so am enjoying the nice weather now. We will defiantly stay indoors as much as possible when the heat hits. He also said that California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas and so on are experiencing very high temperatures for this time of year. It is only June. I guess all are in for a very warm summer.

Tina went to lunch with Dottie today. I stayed home as I still have a cough and didn’t want to scare everybody. I have taken Allegra-D twice now and I don’t think I like it. I felt better before I took it this morning then I did after I took it. Maybe we aren’t comparable. I just read the box and it said that we are not comparable so I will not take any more of it. It was a doctor at the pharmacy in Kroger’s that prescribed it for me. That is where I went for the Covid test. However, my ears don’t hurt and I don’t have a sore throat today so I am happy for that.

Nothing else going on today. I am taking it easy and mostly reading a book and being quiet. Our neighbor was kind and brought us lunch which will be dinner this evening. I am so thankful ad I have the kitchen cleaned up and now we don’t have to cook. I am not in the mood right now for KP duty.

The weekend looks quiet and that is good. We are going to see Dalton Abby Sunday afternoon. That should be good. Jerry will go see Juristic Park and I sure hope he likes all dinosaurs. I liked them in the museum. Our theater here is very comfortable and nice so don’t mind going there at all. We get the tickets beforehand so that helps.

Quote of the day: There are two ways of exerting one’s strength; one is pushing down, the other is pulling up. Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) Educator

Have a fantastic rest of your Friday and weekend. Make each day a pleasant, profitable, cheerful, adventurous, kind and fun.
