Wednesday, June 15, 2022 Day 3 of the Heat Wave, Mostly Sunny Muggy 94 Degrees 5:03 p.m.
Another humid and hot day. They say the weekend will be cooler and dryer so am eager to see it. Today was more humid then the last two days. And I probably noticed it more as we were out in it today. We will stay in for the next few days, I think. At least until Saturday.
Today Ting got her stitches out of her hand. She has to be careful with it for a few days but it is looking good. She has to keep it covered when doing something other then watching TV or sleeping. She does both very well so it should heal quickly. She goes back to work on Monday. Yes, she is board!
After her getting the stitches out we went and got our nails done. They look so nice. I had then shorten mine as they grow so fast and it is hard to do things with LONG nails. Of course, I don’t want them real short either. They are white with one finger nail on each had with a fireworks theme. Tina’s are a lite green with one nail on each hand with three stripes and a dot. Pretty.
After finally getting through there we went to Time Out Deli and had BLT’S for lunch, then on to Kroger’s for groceries. Finally got home and got the groceries put away, changed clothes and relaxed. That is about it for today.. Pamela is coming over to play games around 6:00 p.m. so that will take us until Jeopardy time at least.
That is about all the news around here. We will have to go out and water as the heat kills the plants. I think the weatherman said something about rain but I also think that is for tomorrow night. We will water just in case.
Quote for the day: Trouble is a sieve through which we sift our acquaintances. those that are to big to pass through are our friends. Arlene Frances (1907-2001) Actor
Have a beautiful rest of your day. Make it sunny, calm, productive, pleasant and fun.