Thursday, June 16, 2022 The 4th day of the Heat Wave Sunny 95 Degrees 3:45 p.m.

My Blog is early today as we are having company for dinner and a movie. I feel better doing this early rather then later. It is another hot day but not as humid so not as bad. The heat without all the humidity isn’t quite as bad. I do know that the animals don’t care much for all this “summer stuff”. Both Sierra and Milo prefer the downstairs back bathroom shower as the coolest place in the house.

Th birds don’t mind it as they are still out and about, eating and singing and doing all the crazy things birds do. The hummingbirds are especially active and dining at the hummingbird feeder quite a bit. they are so pretty, tiny, and colorful. The pair in the hanging plant at the front door are going back and forth, eating. I think they take turns sitting on the eggs. There are three small, blue eggs in that nest. It will be fun watching the little ones once they hatch. We keep the plant watered but are very careful to not wet the nest.

Today is the day the tree people go to Jerry’s and take the tree down. I sure hope it went well and there was no more damage to his property or to the person’s property where the tree was. Around here, the tree people make bank as someone is always needing a tree removed.

We have some very tall and big trees in this “village”. I look at them and pray they don’t come down as even the ones across the street would cut our place in half should they fall this way. By our place, I mean the four town homes here. They are at least twice as tall as our two story homes here. But, so pretty, full and green.

I guess it is time to start dinner. I am fixing pork chops, potatoes, gravy, veggie and a salad. Dessert is apple walnut cookies.

Quote for the day: Treat your friends as you do your pictures, and place them in their best light. Jeannie Jerome Churchill (1854-1921) Mother of Winston Churchill.

Have a pleasant, cheerful, sunny, positive, productive and fun rest of your Thursday.
