Wednesday, June 22, 2022 2nd day of Summer Breezy Few high White Fluffy Clouds 97 Degrees 5:03 p.m.
Yes, it is rather warm outside. the air conditioning feels quite nice in the house, or any building for that matter. Birds are still hiding in their nests, dogs aren’t going out for a walk just yet, cats are snoozing and all is quiet on the home front. Oh, yes, Tina is at work in the air conditioned Home Depot building.
Last night Pamela came over to play Yahtzee. Normally she wins with high scores and is very lucky in getting lots of yahtzees. last night she won two games and I won one, with 4 Yahtzee’s’. I couldn’t believe it. I kept thinking of Tom Hill who thought keeping the dice with the 1 or ace was just dumb, but I won 3 of my yahtzees with the 1 on all five dice. The other one was with the 5;s. So fun. I have never done that before. It was a great evening. We shall see how this evening goes. Maybe we should change games?….
I didn’t add the credits after my story about Warwick in last evenings blog, so here they are: Adapted from Some Folks Feel the Rain, Others Just Get Wet. James W. Moore Dimensions
I hope that you enjoyed the story. sometimes being part of a team instills in us the effort to put our best foot forward.
Our garden produced nicely today. We were able to pick some radishes, zucchini, romaine lettuce and a yellow squash. That is good eating I think. A nice salad for sure. We are now looking for medium sized loaf pans to bake breads in. The one size we have is to small and the other size is to big. Like Goldy locks, we want the one that is just right, the middle size. We want to make banana bread and zucchini bread, etc. It sounds like shopping to me. Maybe Amazon has them?
Quote of the day: Only the mediocre are always at their best. Jean Giraudoux (1882-1944) Diplomat and Writer
Have a wonderful rest of your hump day. Make it a cheerful, pleasant, giving, kind and fun day.