Thursday, June 23, 2022 Sunny Breezy Hot 93 Degrees 4:37 p.m.
The tree above is the Bird Condo. Home to so many pretty birds.
Another beautiful summer day. A bit on the hot side outdoors but lovely indoors looking out. All seems to be quiet outside as it is the heat of the day and most everything is having their afternoon siesta. People will soon start arriving home from work, taking their dogs for a walk and preparing for the evening. Several will be preparing their meals on the BBQ as it keeps the heat out of the house.
We aren’t doing that but will be serving Papa John’s Pizza for dinner as we are having company. For lunch we had a fresh green salad from the garden with Romain lettuce, green onions, cucumber tomato and grilled chicken. That was very good. Question is, why does the lettuce taste bitter? As gardeners we aren’t the most knowledgeable people. We thought that it would be better then what you buy in the store. So we will keep trying. I should say that Tina and Julie will keep trying and I will keep tasting.
Last evening, while sitting here working on one of the stories that I am writing, Milo, who was sitting in his favorite spot, looking out the door, started growling and yowling and swishing his tail. All of a sudden he came racing across my table, the keyboard and into the windowsill, stuck his head through the blinds and continued growling and hissing and yowling. I finally got to part the blind and saw that there was a strange cat just sitting on the walkway, looking in at him and not being hostile or in the least disturbed by Milo’s rudeness. He sat there , then walked a ways until he was right in front of the door, but still on the walkway, and just looked a us. In a few minutes he wondered off, very nonchalantly. He looked like he was a kitten, but maybe a teenage kitten, and he looked like he was possibly a stray. I thought that if I saw him today I would call animal control and have him picked up as he would at least have a chance to get a new home and a meal. So far I haven’t seen him today and if he (or she) was still around Milo would certainly let us know, loud and clear. I believe it was a he as I doubt Milo would carry on so if it was a female.
Our breeze has turned into more of a wind and the temperature has gone up a degree, now 94. It will get a couple of degrees warmer before it starts to cool down, sometime this evening.
Quote of the day: Life is like an escalator; you can move forward or backward but you cannot remain still. Patricia Russell-McCloud Motivational speaker.
Have a great, fantastic, enjoyable and fun rest of your day.