Monday, June 27, 2022 Partly Sunny Breezy Maybe Rain Later 85 Degrees 3:19 p.m.
I am early today but totally missed Friday as we got home a bit late and were wore out from heat and muggy, stifling air. We were at Dottie’s and then decided to do some shopping on the way home. That was a mistake ad when we got out of the store it was so stuffy hot and muggy that it simply made us wilt. I think we were both a bit sick from it. The news said that it was 96 I believe.
Dottie cut my hair and she did a wonderful job. She went to barber collage so knows how to cut hair and do it right. She is a keeper. That lady has several talents and is good at them all. She sure makes a mean cobbler. We were there for dinner last evening and she made black and blue berry cobbler. It was so good. We also had fresh green beans and potatoes, corn bread, meat loaf and corn. A very good meal. Great company also. Jerry, Tammy, Tina, Dottie and myself.
We drove home in and out of the rain. Finally, after I went to bed, we had a good rain storm complete with thunder and lightening and lots of rain. We needed it. There is a chance we will get more this evening and that would be wonderful as the lawns really need it. The farmers and ranchers are also in need of some good rain. I pray that the western part of this great nation will soon get rain as I know had badly it is needed there. I can’t imagine Lake Mead so low. That is so scary. I know that there are prayer meetings and vigils going on concerning the water shortage out west. I am in that group. I may live in Tennessee but I am still a Native Nevadian.
Quote of the day: Challenge is a dragon with a gift in its mouth. Tame the dragon and the gift is yours. Noela Evans
Have a marvelous rest of your Monday. Make it a magical, merry, magnanimous, and fun rest of your day..