Thursday, June 30, 2022 Mostly sunny Slight breeze 92 Degrees 4:52 p.m.

A beautiful, humid, hot last day of June. All are preparing for a long weekend. Grills are being readied for the hamburgers and hot dogs, last minute shoppers filling the supermarkets looking for the perfect food to complete their holiday menu. Highways and Byways are busy with cars and trailers and trucks pulling boats and camping trailers. The beaches are filling up and the hotels and motels are ready to welcome their guests. The airports are bustling with travelers flying to far destinations like Las Vegas or Miami, New York or Paris. National parks are waiting for the summer campers and praying that all goes smoothly. Fire danger is high again this year.

We are not among the crowds going to far off places. We will be doing a bit of grocery shopping and a bit of preparing for Tammy, Dottie, Tina and I to do some artistic painting on Saturday. Just letting the Rembrandt that we keep hidden escape for the afternoon. Sunday is church on the television and then again on line. The afternoon is probably just staying in and keeping cool. The 4th of July I am not sure about as yet. But I do have a patriotic top to wear and the flag is out waving in the breeze.

Quote of the day: Look not for beauty, nor hew of skin, but look for the heart that lays within; Beauty may fade and the skin grow old, but a heart that is true will never grow cold.

Have a wonderful, cool, safe, healthy and fun rest of your Thursday. If you are among those hitting the highways and byways, be safe and have a wonderful 4th of July. Appreciate the reason for this holiday.




Wednesday, June 29, 2022 Sunset Calm 86 Degrees 8:49 p.m.

It has been another full day. I am not sure what all I accomplished but I have been busy all day. I managed to get two stories written and that took most of my day. Also had to work on getting pictures that I wanted to use onto my stories but that didn’t work. the pictures are on the computer but I can’t seem to get to them. They are behind some sort of security thing and I can’t find the correct password that I need. It is not the one I assigned to it. GRRRRRRRRR!

Pamela came over this evening and helped me with a couple things I wanted to accomplish. We didn’t play games tonight as she is leaving for the long weekend. No games until next week. She is a good player and we do have fun. Scatagories is a challenge for both of us. Some letters go well with the questions and some defiantly do not. We do have fun.

Quote of the day: How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these. George Washington Carver

Have a great rest of your day. Make it pleasant and prosperous, positive and pretty and, of course, fun.
