Friday, June 17, 2022 Cloudy, Slight breeze Much Less Humidity 85 Degrees 5:03 p.m.
It has been a busy day. It was very hot and humid this morning; now, after a brief rain storm that didn’t hit us, it is at least 10 degrees cooler. And the humidity is way down. Very nice outdoors now. It will be a nice weekend and then the heat returns. Probably the humidity will return with it.
As I said we had a very busy day. There was a yard sale starting at 8:00 a.m. this morning. We decided that we wanted to go and be there at 8:00 a.m. It was a good sale. the lady who had lived there needed, due to age and health, moved to one of the Carolina’s to be closer to her brother. She sold the house to a young couple and left most of her stuff. Furniture, dishes, books, knick knacks, plants, etc. All very good and nice things. Well kept and taken care of. We had a good time shopping and visiting with the couple who are trying to get the house emptied so they can remodel and move in. Tina got tow purses, a Coach and a Vera Bradly for $10.00 each. Excellent condition. She also got a couple of Indian vases or what ever they are. I got a small notebook, a Yahtzee game, (mine is wearing out and I needed the score pads). And a pantry. They had a cute bench and all sorts of stuff but nothing that we could use or would fit our house.
then we went to Hassle’s and had breakfast. After a discussion as to what and where to go next we went looking for a used furniture store or another garage sale. We stopped at one store that had a lot of stuff but nothing that we wanted. Then we went to Habitat for Humanity and had a great time exploring their store. All their stuff was very nice, well displayed and priced very well. There I found two night stands and a sugar bowl (story about that at another time) for $40.00. We were both thrilled with the place. Now, I will sand the night stands and then stain them. I want them a certain color to sort of go with my bedroom furniture.
Home felt good with the air conditioning. We had lunch and then just relaxed. I am working on where the pantry will go once it gets here. The man at the Yard sale will deliver it. Tina is really excited about it as she wants a REAL pantry so bad. I am excited as we won’t have to keep making room for groceries in cupboards that are meant for other things.
Quote of the day: There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Edith Wharton “Vesalius in Zante”.
Have a wonderful rest of your day and weekend. Make it a spectacularly pleasant, cheerful, friendly, family orientated, safe and fun one. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all the fathers, past, present and future.