MONDAY, JUNE 13, 2022


Monday, June 13, 2022 Day one of the heat wave Steamy Hot 94 Degrees 5:42 p.m.

The heat wave has finally hit East Tennessee. With the heat is very high humidity. I think the weatherman said 70% humidity today. This will go on all week but we should have a cold front move in Friday evening and make the weekend cooler, in the 80’s. After living most of my life in Nevada, the 94 degrees doesn’t sound to bad, but walking outdoors into the humidity is like taking a shower and not drying off. It reminds me a lot of when we lived in Houston. That was my first experience with the humidity.

We had a good weekend, The excitement was the movie, Dalton Abby. It is an excellent movie and I recommend it to all to go see. The best line in the whole movie was when the Main character was laying on her bed, dying, and the whole family is gathered ’round all taking to her and crying, and she said, “quite, I can’t hear myself dying”. then she dies. The whole movie was great.

Today we haven’t done much. The doctor gave me antibiotics so that maybe I can get over this sinus infection and Tina went and picked them up. I sure hope they work fast. I am rather tired of the sneezing, coughing and blowing of the nose, and the runny nose. It makes doing thins rather difficult. I was really good most of yesterday , then it started up again this morning. It is a bit breezy out so maybe that is the culprit.

Quote of the day: A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strength; feels your fears but fortifies your faith; sees your anxieties but frees your spirit;recognizes your disabilities but emphasizes your possibilities. William Arthur Ward Educator

Have a great rest of your Monday.. I hope your day is cool, calm, comfy and fun


FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2022

Friday, June 10, 2022 Partly Sunny Slight Breeze Rain Maybe 80 Degrees 5:26 p.m.

A beautiful day here in East Tennessee. The weatherman said that next week we will have temperatures in the 100″s so am enjoying the nice weather now. We will defiantly stay indoors as much as possible when the heat hits. He also said that California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas and so on are experiencing very high temperatures for this time of year. It is only June. I guess all are in for a very warm summer.

Tina went to lunch with Dottie today. I stayed home as I still have a cough and didn’t want to scare everybody. I have taken Allegra-D twice now and I don’t think I like it. I felt better before I took it this morning then I did after I took it. Maybe we aren’t comparable. I just read the box and it said that we are not comparable so I will not take any more of it. It was a doctor at the pharmacy in Kroger’s that prescribed it for me. That is where I went for the Covid test. However, my ears don’t hurt and I don’t have a sore throat today so I am happy for that.

Nothing else going on today. I am taking it easy and mostly reading a book and being quiet. Our neighbor was kind and brought us lunch which will be dinner this evening. I am so thankful ad I have the kitchen cleaned up and now we don’t have to cook. I am not in the mood right now for KP duty.

The weekend looks quiet and that is good. We are going to see Dalton Abby Sunday afternoon. That should be good. Jerry will go see Juristic Park and I sure hope he likes all dinosaurs. I liked them in the museum. Our theater here is very comfortable and nice so don’t mind going there at all. We get the tickets beforehand so that helps.

Quote of the day: There are two ways of exerting one’s strength; one is pushing down, the other is pulling up. Booker T. Washington (1856-1915) Educator

Have a fantastic rest of your Friday and weekend. Make each day a pleasant, profitable, cheerful, adventurous, kind and fun.




Thursday, June 9, 2022 Sunny A Few White Fluffy Clouds Slight Breeze 81 degrees 5:33 p.m.

A beautiful day and no rain in sight. It rained last night again so I won’t have to water until tomorrow. A family of warblers had made their home in our hanging plant so will have to water it very carefully. If we are careful we can manage to keep the plant and the birds healthy.

Since our neighbor has tested positive for Covid, I went and got tested today. I do not have covid but do have sinusitis, on the verge of an infection. It is allergies. . I have the sneezing and sneezing and runny nose and all that goes with it. What made me think it might be covid is the sore throat and ear ache. The ear ache is the part that might become an infection. The doctor gave me Allegra-D and said to take Ibuprofen for the swelling and aches. The ear is the one that is the most bothersome at the moment.

Dinner tonight is left overs or what ever anyone wants. We are each on our own. I am strongly thinking of soup. That sounds good to me, Tina loves the snacking idea so she will have chips, dip, and whatever else strikes her fancy. She likes healthy eating like that.

The quote of the day: A friend told me that each morning when we get up we have to decide whether we are going to save or savor the world. I don’t think that is the decision. It’s not an either/or, save or savor. We have to do both, Save and savor the world. Kate Clinton Comedian

Have a great rest of your day. Make it sunny, smiling, cheerful, kind and fun.




Wednesday, June 8, 2022 Mostly Cloudy Breezy Maybe rain 82 degrees 4:44 p.m.

There was rain this mourning and then, sunshine and a few clouds. We should get rain again tonight along with the thunder and lightening.. The rain sure makes the veggies grow. And the grass. Very pretty and serene.

Not a lot going on today. Stayed home and did odd jobs around here. I still can’t talk very well so best I keep myself at home and quiet. Tin can talk for both of us. So it is her voice and one hand and my two hands that keep us busy and able. A week from today she gets the stitches out and then she should be able to do what ever she needs to do with that hand. Hopefully I will have my voice back before then.

Today’s quote: The Value of Simple Pleasures Eleven year old Zlata Filipovic, like so many girls her age, kept a diary in 1991. “We gave ourselves a treat today” she wrote one July day. “We picked cherries off the tree in the yard and ate them all up. WE had watched it blossom and its small green fruits slowly turn red and now we are eating them. Oh what a wonderful cherry tree.”

Zlata’s words read like any young girl’s whimsical musings. But this innocent summer activity held a much deeper meaning: Zlata wrote the diary entry in the mist of war in her hometown of Sarajevo. “I miss fruit a lot.” she continued. “In these days of war in Sarajevo, there is no basic food or any of the other things a person needs, and there is no fruit. But now I can say I ate myself silly on cherries.”

That simple pleasure brought tremendous joy to a girl who witnessed brutality daily. Simple pleasure can do that if we take time to appreciate what the moment offers. Adapted from Zlata’s Diary; Zlata Filipovic Viking Press

Have a beautiful, joyful, appreciative and fun day.
