Friday, July 1, 2022 Mostly Cloudy Humid Still 93 Degrees 5:39 p.m.
The picture above is of my Gardner Family, in part. Uncle Guy, My dad, Bill, Uncle Fred and my Aunt Mary. This is taken in Iowa several years ago. They have all passed on and are truly missed. Guy was the oldest of the six children and Mary was the youngest of the six children. Uncle Forest and Uncle Bob are the two missing in this picture.
The crowds are out and all over the place here. Kroger’s is packed with people buying things for the weekend. The stockers are stocking ads fast as they can and the shoppers are emptying the shelves as fast as they can. Carts filled with all types of drinks, chips, hot dogs, buns, bread, mayonnaise, miracle Whip, mustard, ketchup, kool-aid and who knows what else. then the highways and byways are crowded with people heading out of town for the long weekend. We were glad to get what we needed and get home, out of the crowd and heat.
We hope that you have a wonderful, safe, healthy, friendly, and fun weekend, whatever you do and where ever you go. Tomorrow we will be rooting for Bryan “BAM-BAM” Barberena to win his UFC fight in Las Vegas, He and his opponent are the main card so if one isn’t there in person they will have to watch the fight on pay per view. I don’t mind not watching as fighting isn’t my cup of tea. But I wish him all the luck and, of course, hope he wins and that neither of them get seriously hurt.
Have a great 4th of July!