MONDAY, JULY 5, 2022

follow the leader

Monday, July 5, 2022 Rain on and off No rain here yet 94 degrees 4:09 p.m.

We have a slight breeze and mostly cloudy at the moment. It has been sunny and very humid. The humidity has hung around and I believe will be here most of the week. It is summer and even though I am not a big fan of the heavy humidity I will stay indoors and not complain. At least today.

I hope you had a great, safe, healthy, and fun 4th of July. We did. Saturday Tammy and Dottie came over and we did painting. Boy, are we good! We like this lady that comes on U-Tube and shows everyone how to paint. She also discusses her funny hair and make-up, her hubby, and most anything else that comes to her mind. I have to say she teaches well. My learning skills are a bit shabby in that department but I learn a little and enjoy the whole experience. You can check the paintings out on Facebook.

Sunday we didn’t do much. Church and Tina went to work and I stayed home. We watched TV and that was about it. Monday, the 4th, After coffee and breakfast, we got ready to go to Jerry’s for a BBQ. Tina made macaroni salad, I got my canned baked beans out and ready to take. (They were a new brand so I didn’t open the can and let them decide if they were brave enough to try them. they were Sassy Baked Beans with a lot of Pepsi ingredients and maple syrup and brown sugar. Surprisingly, they were good. I bought them at Kroger’s. I will get more if they still have them.)

Once we got there, Tammy turned on Bryan Bam Bam Barberena’s the fight from Saturday night that she had recorded. Since we hadn’t seen it, it was a nail biter. I hate seeing him get clobbered and his opponent was doing a good job. Bryan was doing his share of clobbering also. Both received a few cuts and bruises, an I think Bryan received a bloody nose. Anyhow, Bryan won the fight in the 2nd round by a TKO. This was the main event so on Pay Per View. A good fight by everyone’s standards. I was very thankful that neither one was seriously hurt and that Bryan won the fight.

We had BBQ-ed hamburgers, hot dogs, macaroni salad, roasted ears of corn, and banana splits. All so yummy. By the time we left I was stuffed and was sure i wouldn’t eat for a month!

We didn’t hear any of the fireworks last night, but then I was in bed and asleep by 9:00 p.m. so that might of helped. From our “Neighborhood E-mail group” no one in our neighborhood had anything to say about the fireworks keeping them awake. I know other areas of Oak Ridge did. I guess we live in the right neighborhood.

Quote of the day: MEDICAL DEFINITIONS FROM THE HOME FOR THE BEWILDERED! Artery: The study of painting. Bacteria: Back door of a cafeteria. CAT scan: Search for kitty.

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a industrious, energetic, positive, and fun day.
