Tuesday, July 12, 2022 Mostly Sunny Windy Rain Coming 89 Degrees 4:44 p.m.
A Beautiful summer day, sunny hot and a bit humid. We are to have rain tonight and a cold front moving in which will make the rest of the week dryer and not as hot. I have two plants to water tonight as they are where the rain doesn’t hit them. Everything else is moist and will be watered by the rain tonight.
Today I caught up on the laundry, did some other household duties that needed doing and chatted on the phone. I fixed chicken and rice for dinner with spinach for a veggie and it was good. I guess dessert will be ice cream and a cookie. We bought a cookbook for making bread in the bread machine so might try that tomorrow. We can’t find the package of bread mix that we use to get for the bread machine. Of course that was a few years ago so maybe they are out of style now. The price of bread and the size of the loaves has us thinking that making our own will be more economical. It is so strange to get half of what your use to get in a package of anything now days.
There is a “Neighborhood” email thing that keeps the whole town alerted to all sorts of stuff. They are warning of bears roaming around now. I can see that there might be but so far we haven’t seen any. We are to keep our garbage cans secured and no cat or dog food out . I believe most everyone feeds their pets indoors. I know we do. Of course these two spoiled kitties are indoor only since we moved here. Here in East Tennessee we have black bears. I have only seen pictures of them on the news and that is probably good for both the bears and me.
Quote for the day: One of the greatest labor-saving inventions of today is tomorrow. My calendar.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a totally wonderful, fun, pleasant, enjoyable and fun day.