MONDAY, JULY 18, 2022


Monday, July 18, 2022 Cloudy Rainy Still 76 Degrees 3:55 p.m.

Happy Monday! A great day to stay in and out of the rain. We had a gully-washer here so everything is wet and puddles are everywhere. No flooding right here but we came home from Clinton and several of the streets are flooding so I am sure there are places that are flooded. In spots it rained so hard we couldn’t see the car in front of us. We got home safe and I pray those that were on the road with us did also.

The piano is now gone and the experience of watching Jack take it apart was very interesting. There are 88 keys, which I knew, but I didn’t know that there are at least 220 strings. There are two or three strings to each key. The keys are held on the iron back board by iron knobs. There are a lot more parts and nuts and bolts and screws and tiny nails that went in to the making of this piano. It took him two days to get this piano apart and into the back of his pick-up. I can’t wait to see what type of art hi makes out of some of the pieces. there indeed is one man’s trash and another man’s treasure.

We went and voted today. I do appreciate early voting as there is no line and the process goes smoothly. They have a machine that once you complete your vote and print it, you take it to another machine and feed the long slip of paper (ballot) into it and that is their back-up. It is like putting a bill into the slot at the grocery store to pay for your groceries in cash. No change though. There were a lot of independents on the ballot this time. I guess that being associated with either the Democrats or Republicans wasn’t appealing to them. It might be all the feuding, fussing and fighting amongst them.

I though that I had best get my blog out early as who knows if of when the power might go out and stay out for a while. So far all is well on that score.

Quote of the day: “When running down my country you’re walking on the fighting side of me”. Merl Haggard

Have a great, safe, dry, healthy, and fun Monday.