Monday, July 25, 2022 Cloudy Wet Very Slight breeze 87 Degrees 4:28 p.m.
The 4th Monday of the month, and the 205th day of the year. Time sure flies when one is having fun. I can’t believe that July is nearly gone. This week will be busy as Tina is on vacation and we are going to Chattanooga on Wednesday to visit the aquarium and also the museum. More about that when we return.
While on vacation we plan on getting some things done around the house that take time and two people to accomplish. We managed to get the new buffet wiped down and shelf paper put in the shelves and drawers and even got the cook books moved on there. We can now reach them without having to climb on a stool to do so. It is nice to have storage places one can reach. Here, I think the people were really tall as shelves are placed higher then normal. Of course, I believe we are shorter then we use to be.
This morning we took the car in for an oil change and tire rotation and checkup, preparing for out trip. I understand that it takes two to three hours to get to Chattanooga from here. We will stop at Jerry’s and drop Max off. He will have a sleep over and visit with his Doggie cousins. Dottie will be here at 8:00 a.m. and then we will take off. We both love aquariums so are looking forward to visiting this one.
Saturday Dottie and I helped Tammy snap beans. I believe there were two bushels of them. They were in xerox type boxes. One had regular green beans and the other had rattle snake green beans. Those beans had a zigzag type stripe on each side. I think she canned 24 quarts of green beans. That is a lot, I think. It has been years since I canned veggies, or even froze any. I think it might be time to think about returning to doing things like that again.
The rest of the weekend was quiet and uneventful around here. With Tina working 8 hours on Saturdays and Sundays now we don’t really have time to do anything exciting. We get up very early and then go to bed early. It makes meals and sleep sort of Topsy Turfy. There is something healthy to be said for having a regular schedule.
Time to think about dinner. We are having shrimp something or other. Tina is doing that part and I am doing the salad and such.
Quote of the day: I can’t cook, hate to clean, and loathe ironing. The only thing domestic about me is that I was born in this country. Phyllis Diller.
Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it healthy, prosperous, pleasant, enjoyable and fun.