Tuesday, July 27, 2022 Cloudy Thunder Storms 87 Degrees 4:33 p.m.
Today we have had some strong thunder storms and heavy rain. Right now it is just cloudy with the sun peeking out. However, everything is dripping from the last downpour. There is a slight breeze and it is very humid. This is the weather menu for the week. I sure hope tomorrow is dryer weather.
We are finishing up the preparations for tomorrow’s trip to the aquarium. The car is ready, cleaned and looking as good as a 12 year old car can look. The laundry is nearly done and the house looks to be in good shape for the shape it is in. Sierra and Milo are relaxing , one upstairs on Tina’s bed and the other on the windowsill looking for any excitement outside. So far she is not in luck. Not even a bee buzzing around. The dogs have hurriedly walked their people between thunderstorms. They don’t like getting their feet wet and hate the thunder worse. So, all is quiet on the home front.
Now to gather the necessities to take with us tomorrow and get dinner done and over with. Bed fairly early as we need to get up and get going in the morning. Max will be eager to see his cousins and they will be awaiting his arrival with cheerful yelps, woofs and arfs of joy. Four tails a-wagging is quite a site to see.
There will be no Sandy’s Daily until Friday. Then I will report on the aquarium and our trip. It should be fun and interesting.
Quote of the day: Don’t quite dreaming. Just keep sleeping. From the Nail Salon this afternoon.
Have a great rest of you day and the rest of the week. Make it a safe, special, happy, positive,, purposeful, and fun few days.