Friday, July 29, 2022 Cloudy Slight Breeze Humid 81 Degrees 5:12 p.m.
A great two days exploring Chattanooga Tennessee. We sound it a very interesting city, filled with history, quaint buildings, fascinating shops, and very nice people. Our primary reason for going there was to visit the aquarium. I have found that each aquarium is different and very fascinating. This one was no exception.
The aquarium is divided into two buildings. One is the River Aquarium and the other is the Ocean aquarium. Both are on a definite appointment start time. Ours was at 1:00 p.m. and we were there about twenty minutes early.
They are both well thought out, easy to navigate and very informative. Once inside, the starting point is on the 4th floor. The River Aquarium has individual areas for certain types of fish, some being small and some being large. You can see some of them from all four levels but I think most were seen only from the level you are on. The river fish, as a rule, aren’t very colorful, but they are very interesting.
We learned that some of the rivers around here have stingrays in them. That was very shocking as we thought that they are found only in the ocean. They are such interesting creatures, so soft to the touch, and harmless unless you come in contact with their tail which is their main defense. I guess they can bite but I do not know that for a fact. They also come in two or three colors and some even have a pattern.
The cat fish are humongous! The person telling about some of the fish said that they can get to be 8 feet long. I believe it after seeing some of them. They aren’t the prettiest of fish but very necessary to the rivers as they are one of the “housekeepers” of the rivers and lakes.
There are the trout and perch and many other fish as well as frogs and turtles, snails and snakes and eels. I didn’t like the snakes but know that they have their reason for being there. I just can’t imagine what it is. I sort of bypassed that exhibit.
There are several species of turtles. The spotted ones are cute and the snapping turtles are dangerous as they can really do damage if they happen to get a finger or toe. As with anything some of the turtles are prettier then others, but all are interesting.
Of course the otters are the most adorable, cutest and entertaining of them all. They had two of them entertaining each other and all the onlookers. they were playing, wrestling and chasing one another. the children that were there loved the otters and tried to “play” with them from the front of the glass en closer. Sometime the otters would play chase from one end of the glass to the other, then go back to their own entertainment.
There were alligators and crocodiles, All looking lazy but ready to take a bite given something to bite. they are rally big and not at all pretty. they had some babies that looked harmless but the attendant said that their bite was just a strong and painful as their parents. There was a fish that was fairly big and had a long snout that looked like it had a shovel on the end. There was a nursery for turtle eggs that will hatch and be cared for until being put in whatever pond or aquarium that they are meant for. Some will be turned back to the lakes or rivers from which they came.
After going through the River Aquarium, we came out at the gift shop. Of course we toured that. Neither of us was very happy with the gift shop. they were expensive. the items that they had were: 1. Made in China, 2. very cheap looking, not attractive for the most part and way overpriced.
Monday I will tell about the Ocean aquarium.
Quote of the day: Stop and smell the roses, the coffee, the fresh air. Take time to meditate, to appreciate all the true blessings given us each day. Even the not so pleasant can turn into something wonderful.
Have a great rest of your Friday and a super fantastic weekend. Make all safe, healthy, adventurous, relaxing and fun.