Monday, August 1, 2022 Cloudy Windy Rained 79 degrees 3:30 p.m.

Another rainy, windy, cloudy summer day here in Oak Ridge. The temperature is wonderful and the humidity isn’t all that bad. Or I am getting use to it. All in all, not a bad day at all.

The above picture is of one type of sea horse that was at the aquarium. I can’t figure out how to make the picture smaller so will have to work on that. but he is one interesting creature for sure. They have other seahorses that are of normal size and look like the ones that one usually see in an aquarium. I wish I had been able to get the names of all the fish and other creatures that are living at the Chattanooga Aquarium. They have some fascinating fish and other creatures. Be sure to fix your computer or notebook or whatever you receive this blog so that you can see the picture.

With all the rain we have had the gutter drains from the roofs are clogging up. It has created some problems with minor flooding, especially for Julie and Jason. He has been outside working on that most of the day. It is a mystery that his outdoor spick-et, with one hose, makes the water back up out of one of our gutter drains. So weird. Another secret of Oak Ridge Tennessee. So far there is no answer as to why that happens.

Quote of the day: PRICELESS GIFTS TO GIVE FOR FREE The gift of a favor; Every day go out of your way to do something kind for someone.

Have a great rest of you Monday, the first day of August! this year is flying by quickly. Make the day profitable, pleasurable, positive, pleasant and fun.
