Thursday, August 11, 2022 Rain to stop Partly cloudy Breezy 81 degrees 3:42 p.m.

My first blog of the week, and it is nearly the end of the week. It has been a busy week. Each evening, as I was getting ready to write, we would get company. So I put it off and enjoyed the company, the visits and the one evening of games. Today, since Tina went to work at 2:00 p.m. I thought that I would do my blog and get it in just in case company came. I am ready.

We have had the rain every day and everything is well watered. Most plants have received more water then they wanted so don’t look that good. This has been a strange summer, weather wise. We have lost plants to the heat and now to the rain. We shall see what the rest of the summer is like. The rain is to stop today and we shouldn’t have more for a week or so. Yes, I will have to go out and water but not for a day or two. A cold front is passing through and that will bring the temperatures and the humidity down which will be nice for both animals, plants and us humans.

We were to take Sierra to the vet to be shaved last Friday. But, we didn’t have a car. So she is going in tomorrow morning and I hope that she will feel better and be better. She gets so knotted up that it is hard for her to groom herself. Tina has cut knots off of her but she tolerates that for only a little bit, then leaves with a soft growl. I think it will also help with the shedding. I know that Milo sheds but not in the bunches that Sierra does. He is short haired, she is long haired. So tomorrow she get her spa day.

While she is there we will de fur the house; dust, vacuum and all that goes with it. She won’t mind the vacuum or being disturbed as it will all be done when she returns. Milo will mind and spend the house cleaning time under one bed or the other. Until we start that he will enjoy being the only cat but also will be looking for Sierra.

Quote time: An able man shows his spirit by gentle words and resolute actions; he is neither hot nor timid. Chesterfield.

Have a great rest of you day. Make it a adventurous, interesting, prosperous and fun day.
