Wednesday, August 17, 2022 Sunny, Slight breeze Warm 82 Degrees 4:10 p.m.

A very good day. The housekeeper came and cleaned the house. So nice to have her and she does a wonderful job. I love having the glass screen doors sparkling clean without kitty nose prints on them. I know that won’t last long but I do enjoy it while it lasts.

I did a lot of pick up and put away, hung a couple of plaques in the kitchen that have been waiting to be hung for a month or more. Put a couple vases up on the top shelf in the kitchen and things like that. I usually takes me a while to figure out just where they should go. So what is two years?…

Both cats hide when Amy comes with her cleaning gear. Where they hide I have no clue as once she gets in the door, they are gone and don’t come out until she has driven off. I thought that maybe I had locked them in a closet so went upstairs and opened all the closet doors, leaving them open just in case. Then did the same downstairs. Once Amy drove off, Sierra appeared out of nowhere. Then Milo appeared out of nowhere. It is so strange. I didn’t see either of them emerge from anyplace. They were “just here”. So once among the present, they required petting and treats. They are now snoozing, enjoying their afternoon siesta.

WE have Kenny coming over this evening to check the light in Tina’s bathroom. It is blinking and that is not a good sign. I hope it is just a bad light bulb, but since it is both light bulbs, I will hope that it is just two bad light bulbs. But…………..?

The weatherman said that the Southwest is still having flooding conditions and also it is in triple digits there. It is August and the Southwest is always in the 90’s and 100’s this time of year. I am sure they are thankful for the rain but would probably like it covering more days and not all at once in an hour or two. I feel so bad that they are in a drought. Lake Powell is dried up as is Lake Lahonton (sp), and Lake Mead is down so low that it will shortly effect Hover Dam. That is scary. That is the electric source for many people. The Colorado River effect many states and ranches and farm as well as towns and cities. And forests and animals. The whole length of the river is terribly low.

Quote of the day: Talking is sharing but listening is caring. My calendar

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a caring, crafting, comfy, and fun day.
