Tuesday, August 23, 2022 Mostly sunny Slight breeze 85 Degrees 4:17 p.m.

The computer was acting weird, or should I say there were some weird things showing up on the computer so I felt it safer to not use it until Jerry could get over and look at it. By the time he got over here to see all of my “fears” they had disappeared. Of course I fine a few weird things on my phone now but I can’t seem to do anything about it. So???? Modern technology!

The weekend was busy and nice. Tina worked each day so there wasn’t much in the way of going and doing. She is now working 8 hour days. Saturday I did some arts and craft projects around here. I have lots to do so won’t run out any time soon. Right now I am working on a book. Tammy called ans asked if I wanted to go see the movie”Elvis” on Sunday with her and Dottie and Melissa. I said sure.

Sunday I got ready and did my normal Sunday morning things. She and Jerry arrived and she said that the movie was off as when she went to get tickets she could only get a seat here and one another place, etc. She never dreamed that there would be a problem as the movie has been out quite a while. So she said that we would go one afternoon this week. Jerry looked at my computer and phone. They left to go see Dottie. When Tina got home she called to see what Dottie was doing. Tammy had picked her up and they went to look at her property. We all ended up meeting at a great Mexican restaurant for a wonderful meal. It was fun and the food was yummy!. That place is a keeper.

Weather is really lovely today. Warm but not very humid. This should last for a couple of days then the chances of rain will once again visit our area. I feel so bad for the people in Dallas and in Texas in general. they really got hit hard with the rain. It is hard when your ground is baked dry and then you get a years worth of rain in a few hours. That is major flooding.

Quote of the day: “It’s not that I’m against exercise. It’s just that when I look at my body I feel it’s already been punished enough”. My calendar

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a fruitful, pleasant, friendly and fun one.
