Tuesday, August 30, 2022 Partly sunny, Breezy Might rain 86 Degrees 4:59 p.m.
It ha been a busy four days or so. We have been gone on errant a lot, r had neighbor company, etc.
and this blog is short as today we have a dinner reservation at Calhoun’s on the River. Today I leave my 81st year behind, with all it’s memories and good times and adventures, etc. and start new adventures in my 82nd year. Today has been filled with lots of texts, emails, neighbors, calls and company. It has been lots of fun hearing from so many people from all over, relatives and friends who live clear across the United States or in the next town. Now to go to dinner and enjoy a wonderful meal with great atmosphere. What a treat.
I will catch you’ll up on everything tomorrow. Meantime enjoy the rest of your day.
Quote of the day: Sometimes we feel like we’re smothering under the weight of all our problems, then someone comes along and fluffs us up with a word of encouragement.
Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a Happy, Healthy, Humorous, Hardy and fun day.