Thursday, September 1, 2022 Sunny Breezy Warm 88 Degrees 5:10 p.m.

The 244th day of the 9th month of the 2,022 year. There are 121 days left in this year. Make each of them happy, adventurous, productive, positive and meaningful.

For my birthday I received an emergency light to put in the upstairs hallway. Of course I plugged it in and found out that it is also a motion detector light. That is great as if one gets up during the night the light comes on and one can see where they are going and where a cat might be laying. That is awesome! Milo thinks this is the greatest thing since catnip treats. He thinks this light is a new toy and enjoys walking in front of it to make it come on. So he goes prancing in front of it one way, waits for it to go off, then prances in front of it going the other way. This goes on for a little while. Sierra is watching and finally thinks maybe this is a new form of exercise, so she proceeds to walk in front of it and the light goes on. She waits for it to go off and retraces her steps. Such fun. She finally goes and lays down. Milo comes back and proceeds to sit in front of the light, like he is looking in a mirror. He faces it for a few moments, then turns his back to it and sits for a few moments. He then walks away. Sierra thinks that maybe she should do that also and proceeds to do the same thing.

While Sierra is basking in the emergency light Milo discovers that the light shines on the TV in my bedroom so he jumps up there and paws at it, then looks out my window and see that the light is reflecting onto the dome skylights that are located on the roof just outside my window. He can’t figure out how to get at them, but Sierra is now finished with her light basking and jumps up to join him. They finally both leave and I am wondering if the light draws all the outdoor creatures for the on and off show. The deer, the raccoons, the fox, etc. I do hope they all enjoy it. these two fur balls do.

Correction to yesterday’s blog. It is Biltmore, not Buildmore. I will have more to say about this when I learn more.

Quote of the day: Singing lifts our spirits. It’s just plain good for us. Whether we sing with trained voices that bring thundering applause or off-key screeching, by the time our songs of praise reach heaven they are all equally beautiful. My calendar.

Have a wonderful rest of your Thursday. Make the day a coco a cola, hot dog, apple pie kind of day!
