Monday, September 26, 2022 Sunny, Still, Beautiful 58 degrees 9:20 a.m.
A lovely fall morning in East Tennessee. We had a busy weekend. Saturday, after Tina got home from work, we went to Knoxville and met Jerry for lunch. Tammy was on her way to the stadium for the Vols and Gators game. We ate at a cute little place called Nick & Js. I had the best patty-melt I have had in many years. I like them but seldom order them as they are usually very greasy and sloppy. this one was perfect.
After visiting and eating we went our separate ways. Jerry home and Tina and I to Rooms To Go and looked at the sectional that we liked the week before. We sat in it, measured it, thought about it and finally decided that it was the one for us. There was a sale going on which we didn’t know about so the sectional was less expensive this Saturday then the last Saturday which made us very happy. the coffee table, end table and lamp were also on sale so we got the whole thing for less then what the sectional was the week before. We did take the floor model of the end table, coffee table and lamp, which helped. I could see nothing wrong with them and neither did Tina. They will be delivered Thursday.
After that, we went to Lens Crafter’s where Tina had an eye doctor appointment for computer glasses. AT her new job she needs them. While she did that I browsed through Skechers shoe store and then World Market. That store is so interesting with so many different things in it. I bought a tin of German Gingersnaps and they are so good. I mainly wanted the tin but love the cookies. I also bought a package of Black Jack gum and gave to Tina as it is licorice and Tina likes licorice. And two packages of Necco candies. I have always liked those so bought two as I know we won”t get back there anytime soon.
Sunday Tina went to work and enjoyed her last day at Home Depot. She said that she will miss her co-workers, customers, and petting all the dogs. But she won’t miss the pain in her back, hips, legs and feet. The rest of the day we just relaxed. Watched some of the shows we have recorded, played on the computer and basically did nothing. It was nice.
Now it is Monday and I am starting a new time for the blog. With Tina’s working hours being normal and evenings full with dinner, dishes, and some TV or whatever is going on, I decided that doing the blog in the morning was the best. I hope that you agree.
Have a great Monday morning. I hope that your day is filled with positivity, prosperity, pleasure and fun.
Quote of the day: “Oh Lord, Bless the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and to sleep to worry at night.” Caroline Schroeder