Tuesday, September 27, 2022 Sunny, Cool, breezy, beautiful, 48 degrees 9:17 a.m.
There is a fall chill in the air this morning. The kids had on jackets as they walked to the bus, and the people being walked by their dogs had on sweaters and jackets. Yes, Fall is upon us. The leaves are slowly starting to change color. I know that up in the Smokies the trees are being decorated in their fall colors. So pretty to see and to watch.
The animals are busy gathering their winter food and preparing to be ready for a long winter’s nap. The squirrel is very busy raiding the bird feeders and gathering all for winter. he is having problems getting into the feeders so he shakes the posts or limbs holding them until the seeds fall out. He is so ambitious and knowledgeable as to how to get what he wants. The chipmunks are equally as wise. they wait for the squirrel to shake the seeds down, then they run over and stuff their cheeks full and take off, back to their home. I think they live under Mayor Bills house somewhere. He says that they don’t but I see them go under by his living room window.
I have never seen a state, even Texas, be so enthusiastic over their football teams. The businesses back them, the schools back them, the hospitals and nursing homes,; The citizens are all rooting for them. Everything is Orange and White, clothing, shoes, table cloths, curtains, you name it. Dog outfits are all pro the VOLS and so cute. The excitement is contagious and the talk is all about the games, past, present and future. When Tina got home from work yesterday we went and had our nails done. The talk in there was all about the game on Saturday and the win and the next game this coming Saturday. Nails are orange and white checked, striped or with footballs or helmets painted on them. So cute. I still need to get a shirt.
Quote of the day: ” A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand”. My calendar. I approve of that diet.
Have a day filled with smiles, laughter and prosperity.