Tuesday, September 20, 2022 Very warm Still Sunny 89 degrees 6:06 p.m.

Today was very summery, hot and still and a bit humid or should I say muggy. I understand that

Thursday will be the last day of heat. We will have a cold front come through in the afternoon bringing the temperature down into the 70’s. We shall see.

Today I have spent working on finding homes fro all the stuff we have collected here in our home office. Fall is right around the corner and we want to decorate for fall. Also, a sectional might be in our future and the rearranging will help if that does occur. I am looking forward to fall and all the good thngs that go with it.

Summer is still here. the roses are blooming like crazy and the trees are still holding on to their leaves. There are so many flowers blooming all over the place, making traveling, even to the store, very picturesque. Tina said that going to work in the morning it is so pretty, some places foggy, most places just green with shrubs and flowers and tons of grass.

since it has been a long day and I am ready to relax, this is it for today.

Quote for the day: “I can’t cook, hate to clean, and loathe ironing. The only thing domestic about me is that I was born in this country”. Phyllis Diller

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a spectacular, sunny, bright and fun day,




Monday, September 19, 2022 Sunny Warm Few Cloud 83 degrees 5:13 p.m.

A beautiful, warm, and busy first working day of the week. Tina started her new job today. That is exciting as she will be home soon. She called and said she was on her way. We will have dinner when she gets here….Pork Chops, Scalloped potatoes, and corn. I think that will be sufficient for tonight. I will dream up something else for tomorrow night.

I watched a lot of the Queen’s funeral this morning. It lasted until after 1:00 p.m. here so it was a long day for those people. I pray that the new king is at least half as good as she was, as well respected and takes a deep interest in the people as she did. He has some very big shoes to fill. The TV said that she planned her funeral, wanting it to bring everyone from every country together, in peace and harmony. I do believe she accomplished that. They said that leaders from countries the didn’t get along with other countries were there, standing or sitting in the same room, getting along well. Wouldn’t that be awesome if it lasted forever? It was a beautiful funeral, but I felt bad for everyone who had to march all those miles and then stand so long at different places along the way. Also for the military men who pulled the gun carrier with her casket on it for four miles, I think they said. According to the news, the casket was made of mahogany and lined with lead. Those gentlemen had to carry it quite a ways every once in awhile. Going up the steps to St. George Cathedral was something to watch. Now it is God Save the King!

Today’s quote: “It’s O.K. to call an avid reader a book worm. But, somehow calling a music buff a tape worm just does not sound right”. From a slip of paper in one of my mom’s music books.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Maker it a wonderful, awesome and fun day.



Thursday, September 15, 2022 Sunny Windy Warm Pretty 79 Degrees 3:49 p.m.

Another beautiful day in East Tennessee. A little yard work and a little house work has kept me busy today. also talking on the phone and texting and even e-mailing. Next comes preparing dinner. We are having chicken and rice, a green veggie and a garbanzo salad. Desert is either a cookie or a small slice of cake.

Today is he 258th day of the year. The news this morning said that all should do their Christmas shopping early as prices will be going up. I have been working on Christmas and birthday shopping all year, a little at a time so am not to worried about it at present. I think they are talking about big ticket items. They also were telling about interest rates going up and the prices of homes not coming down very much. If your house payment is 1500 now it will go up because of the interest going up. Scary.

Mayor Bill came over and emptied the raised garden, cleaned it out and will use it to put his house plants in and set them in the carport while he is on his cruse. I will go and water them and make sure they are a O.K. I doubt we will have a frost or a freeze while he is gone, but if so, I will put the plants in the house.

Quote of the day: “Signs that you are getting old: Dialing long distance wears you out.” My calendar. You can tell the calendar has been around quite awhile as who dials on a phone now days?

Have a great rest of your day. Make it energizing, enthusiastic, enjoyable and fun.



Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Partly Sunny Breezy Warm 77 degrees 4:47 p.m.

A pretty September day, warm, quiet and just plain nice. I will go out and work some in the yard when I finish this as the weather might change and I want to get a few things done before it does. I think rain is due in either tomorrow or Friday.

The mystery of the fire trucks has been solved. there was a kitchen fire in our Green View Estates. The fire was in one of the three story buildings. When there is that tall a building the ladder truck has to go along in case they need to enter the roof to get to the fire. I am glad that it wasn’t any worst.

It is a quiet afternoon. Tina is at work, cats are working on their 18 hours of snooze time and I have been working on the closet in the living room. I should say the “sewing room” It is more like a storage room. I have to go in there every so often and straighten it while hunting for things. It is a great catch all until we need something and have to hunt for it. Our craft stuff is in there and there is a lot of crafts started and not finished. That is telling me it is time to get busy.

Quote of the day: “Have you ever been there for someone who was hurting? Did you go out of your way just to be kind? Were you willing to share your time and your life?” Donna Watson

Have a great rest of yoour day. Make it a pleasant, cheerful, productive and fun day.
