Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Mostly Sunny Warm Still 76 Degrees 5:49 p.m.

A beautiful, warm, sunny and perfect late summer day. So pretty and nice to be outdoors enjoying the nice weather. The hummingbirds seem to really enjoy this pretty weather as they have been at the hummingbird feeder and also the roses. I think Bill is correct, they are preparing for their long journey to South America for the winter. I believe a lot of the birds have left for their winter homes as we don’t have so many now and the ones we do have seem to be new to the area.

Well, the excitement from last evening is still a mystery. All the fire trucks left, one at a time, then the smaller trucks, the fire marshal, and the two white trucks. All was quiet. When they left there were no sirens or anything. About three hours later an ambulance came roaring in, sirens and lights, heading the same way. About thirty minutes later it left, quietly. All i still a mystery. I pray that whoever was involved in all that excitement, is safe and well.

Today has been busy but quietly so. I have done some rearranging and putting away. Also some cleaning out of drawers and such, making room for other things, like a craft project for Christmas. I need to get some of these crafts that are started completed and ready for the holidays.

Son Jeffery and Nanette are coming for a visit the first part of October so am getting ready for them. I am not sure just what their plans are but do know that they will be spending time in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge and that will be fun for them. I think they are planing on site seeing on their way here and back home again. This is all new country for them.

Quote of the day: “Truly, memory is a mental bank account. In it we deposit the treasures of our lives so that, in time of need, we can withdraw hope and courage. These treasures are memories large and small: splashes of joy ranging from a pat on the back, the beauty of a full moon on a special evening, finding an empty parking space when we are in a terrible rush, enjoying a glorious sunset with someone we love”.

From my calendar

Have a beautiful, spectacular, cheerful, and fun rest of your Tuesday.




Monday, September 12, 2022 Sunny Breezy Nice 75 Degrees 5:49 p.m.

The afternoon turned a bit exciting. Our quiet street has seen 3 big fire trucks zoom up, 2 cop cars, two other fire department smaller trucks, a ladder truck, another smaller truck, a boon electric co. truck and another white truck. It is farther up then we can see so really have no idea what the problem is, but am curious. A fire truck and a cap car went up that way last evening, after we had gone to bed, but never heard them leave so doubt it was that major last night. This could get interesting.

We had a nice and fun weekend. Friday we had to go into Knoxville, to the other side of the town so Tina could do her drug test and get her TB test. Then we did some shopping, and of course toured as we always get lost and see the most interesting neighborhoods or areas or scenery. It was nearly six when we got home.

Saturday afternoon we went to Jerry and Tammy’s for the football game and to Celebrate Dottie’s birthday. That was fun. We had sliders and pasta salad, and banana splits. Tammy dressed the dogs up in their Tennessee Tee shirts, and they were not happy campers. Finley just laid down and froze, Lacy hid under the dining room table, and Murphy just laid down on the footstool. All the play stopped for quite awhile. Those dogs love to play so that was different. They are so cute and fun, love people and attention.

Sunday Tina worked and I was busy here. when she got home we had supper and then watched TV until about 8:00 p.m., then bed. This getting up at 4:00 and 4:30 a.m., when one isn’t use to it, makes early bedtime a necessity.

Today we went back to the Fort Sanders so that they could see that Tina’s TB test was good. We then went to lunch at El Chico’s and it was very good. We will go back there again. Good service and good food. Can’t beat that.

After that a trip to Turkey Creek, and then home. Now, waiting to see how long the fire trucks stay up there and pray that it isn’t major and no one is hurt.

Quote of the day: “Promise me you’ll always remember, you’re Braver then you believe you are, and stronger then you seem, and smarter then you think”. Christopher Robin to Pooh

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a safe, healthy, cheerful, kind and meaningful day.




Thursday, September 8, 2022 Sunny, Warm, Breezy 82 degrees 5:26 p.m.

A beautiful late summer day. Even though summer is ending, our Dogwood tree has buds on it. that isn’t a good thing as they bud in spring, not late summer. This has been a strange year for plants and flowers in our area. I am hoping that the buds will open up before the first frost, otherwise they will be lost.

I just heard that Queen Elizabeth has passed away. What a legacy she has left. What a strong woman, what a lady. I am sure that Prince, now King, Charles won’t be able to fill her shoes but am sure he will try. I wonder now what is in store for England and the territories that they still rule over. Lastly, I wonder if the passing of the Queen will help to solve the rift between her grandsons.

It has been a busy day. I am working on getting my story done for the week, a couple of Birthday cards made, and just playing catch up with my e-mails. They do pile up quickly. Of course I have help from Sierra and Milo. They are bugging me as they think it is their dinner time. O course, the dogs being walked up the street are of mild interest to them as well as the butterfly who has been flying around here for a little while. So pretty.

Quote of the day: It is frustrating when you know all the answers—and nobody bothers to ask you the questions. My Calendar.

In case you are wondering, I have no answers, or questions.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a thoughtful, entreating, interesting and fun day.




Wednesday, September 7, 2022 Mostly sunny Breezy Warm 80 Degrees 7:17 p.m.

Games today so thought I would get my Daily done sooner rather then later. She came so here I am on the later side. So far it has been a busy day and a good day. Weather perfect with a rain shower about two hours ago. We might get another one later on but a cold front is on the way and that means it should be dry for the next couple of days.

Autumn is in the air and that is welcome here. We have 15 days before that season arrives. Time sure flies by fast. The stores, both physical and on line, are full of all Halloween items. And even Christmas items are pushing their way to the top of the shopping list. So many new and different items, and such prices! What is all the talk about inflation? Everything is inflated big time. I don’t know how long the high prices will last but I think until everyone stops buying, spending and running up their credit cards.

I have three books going, that I am reading, and all three are good. I have a Patricia Fry book going on the Kendell, CATS OF A FEATHER, a klepto cat mystery. Then, also upstairs but a hardbound book,, ONCE WE WERE STRANGERS, by Shawn Smucker. Then downstairs I am reading a paperback, NEWS OF THE WORLD by Paulette Jiles. All three are good reading and very entertaining. Once We Were Strangers is a true story and very heart warming. All three are worth reading. News of the world is now a movie.

Other then Pamela beating me at Canasta this afternoon, there isn’t much news around here. My heart aches for the people in California who are or will be having rolling blackouts. With that heat and no air conditioning it will be very miserable. The news said that rain is coming but prior to the rain will be the Santa Anna winds and that increases the fire danger. All so scary and sad. All are in my prayers.

Quote of the day: “I need some of my problems to take my mind off some of the others.” Ashleigh Brlliant

Have a great rest of your hump day. Make it merry, energetic, adventurous and fun.
