Thursday, October 13, 2022 Cloudy Still Cool Might rain 63 degrees 10:00 a.m.
A nice fall day with the sun just peeking out from behind the clouds. We will either have a sunny afternoon or a cloudy, rainy afternoon. Time will tell. It is on the warmish side but a cold front is working its’ way through so I doubt it will be over 70 if that, heat wise.
Today we are going to look around Oak Ridge and see all the sites. Mostly Nanette and I. We will explore the mall and such. Jeff is going to stay home and rest as his back is bothering him. We plan on meeting with Jerry and Tammy for dinner this evening. Dinner on the river. Close to the river.
Yesterday we went to breakfast, then did a bit of shopping. They had to get a new tire so couldn’t go to far until the tire place got the tire. It arrived yesterday afternoon, so that pretty much took care of yesterday. It was nice to just hang around and visit. Jeff managed to put the closet door back on in the hall bathroom and new lights under the cabinets in the kitchen. Both Tina and I are so happy to have that done.
Nanette just heard the birds singing loudly outside. She couldn’t imagine that they were outside as they are loud and sound so pretty. One might think that they are inside here. We do have a lot of different types of birds and their different songs, etc. One of the things we so enjoy here.
Quote of the day: “What a comforting thought—to imagine our grandchildren facing some tough decision someday or feeling lonely in some far- off place and suddenly remembering a grandmother’s love–and being comforted by it.” My calendar
Have a fantastic Thursday. Make it a trouble free, profitable, joyous and fun day.