Tuesday, October 25, 2022 Mostly sunny Slight breeze 65 Degrees 1:00p.m.

A good Tuesday so far. Am doing the laundry, am nearly finished with that chore. Have floors to do next. They sure get in need of a sweeping fast. There as so many leaves on the ground now that we bring them in on our shoes. It is so pretty to see all the trees dressed in their finery of golds, reds, greens, and yellows, while so many of their pretty leaves are softly floating in the air on their way to the ground. Soon people will be out raking all the leaves up and then the children and dogs will be playing in them. Another fun part of fall in East Tennessee.

Yesterday late afternoon there was an accident here in our village. Mayor Bill was stopped, waiting for the school bus to leave our street. The school bus backed up without paying attention to who was behind him or anything else. He just backed up. The 20 plus kids in the bus were telling him to stop that there was someone behind him. He ignored them and backed into Bill’s car. Even though Bill was stopped the impact tossed him out of the car onto the ground where he laid for 20 minutes.

The police were called and they came as did the assistant principal of the school and I am not sure who all else. The tow truck. Today, Bill is now driving a loaner car, his car has been towed off to the car doctor and time will tell if it is salvageable or not. Bill is feeling sad about his car and upset that the bus driver didn’t pay attention to where he was backing up, or to the kids. Physically he says he is alright. Now to see what the insurance company does. To be continued at a later blog.

The latest form the Honeymoon couple is that Hawaii doesn’t have Coke products, just Pepsi! Not even ice tea! Dottie said, “Fine!! I won’t be going to Hawaii!” I didn’t ask if they had coffee.

Quote of the day: “Getting a husband is like buying an old house. You don’t see it the way it is but the way it’s going to be when you get it remodeled.” My calendar

I doubt Tammy will be remodeling her husband as she seems to think he is perfect the way he is. After all, He is NEW!

I believe Pamela feels the same about her NEW husband. She seems to think he is the cat’s MEOW or Roxie’s Bow wow!

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a forward moving, cheerful, kind, productive and fun day.
