Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Mostly Cloudy Windy Fall Colors 53 Degrees 11:15 a.m.

A beautiful Fall day here in East Tennessee. I love looking out the window and seeing all the pretty colors that come with fall in this part of the world. I’ve seen the blue jay eating at the bird feeder as well as some smaller birds that I am not sure what are. They are cute and fluffy so guess they are a type of winter birds. I even saw the squirrel a couple of days ago. I guess he isn’t quite ready to hibernate if that is what they do.

We had a cold front come through so today is much cooler then yesterday. The high yesterday was 78 degrees and today we will be lucky to hit 60. I rained some last night and I think we will be getting rain on and off all week. We need it so am happy for that. Sure glad the sweaters and jackets are close at hand. They will most defiantly be needed soon, I think . Of course, I always have a sweater close at hand.

Jerry and Tammy send pictures of a mongoose. They are an interesting animal and Hawaii has tons of them I am told. They kill snakes, all kinds of snakes. they were imported to Hawaii many many years ago to kill off the snakes as there were a lot of porpoise snakes there. Now they have no snakes. I don’t think that is a bad thing. The mongoose looks like a long rat with a long tail, or a prairie dog, or? I guess there are several types of mongoose. Ask google. Or Alexa. Both are very smart.):

Quote of the day: “A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs—— jolted by every pebble in the road. Henry Ward Beecher

Have a great rest of you Wednesday. Make it a adventurous, inquiring, mysterious, and fun day.
