Friday, October 28, 2022 Sunny Chilly Breezy 52 Degrees 11:11 a.m.

Friday, the end of the work week. This week has gone by fast as I have been so busy catching up with all I let go while Jeff was here and then the wedding was four days away. So busy and so much fun. It has been a busy and interesting and fun month.

Today, in about an hour, Pamela will be here to play games. We haven’t played for a few weeks due to her getting married and all that goes with that plus all going on here. Today we will play Yahtzee and maybe Scrabble. It will be good to play a game again. This is her day off so is doing the name changing thing. That will take awhile I think. I don’t remember as I haven’t done it since March 1, 1958.

We didn’t get to vote yesterday as they closed the voting place at 5:00 p.m. So tomorrow morning we will go vote. I guess that the only time they stay open until 7:00 p.m. is on the actual voting day. At least in Nevada.

The weekend is to be mostly cloudy tomorrow and rainy on Sunday. We have some shopping to do tomorrow, and some projects here at the house to complete. Church on Sunday and a welcome home call to Jerry and Tammy. I am sure they will be busy resting up from the long flight home and getting ready to go back to work on Monday. The pups will be so glad to see them.

Quote of the day: “One of the side benefits of forgetting names and faces: You keep meeting new people every day!” E. Fischer and J. T. Noland

Have a great Friday and an adventurous, energy filled, social, safe, healthy, kind, and fun Weekend.
