Tuesday, October 25, 2022 Mostly sunny Slight breeze 65 Degrees 1:00p.m.

A good Tuesday so far. Am doing the laundry, am nearly finished with that chore. Have floors to do next. They sure get in need of a sweeping fast. There as so many leaves on the ground now that we bring them in on our shoes. It is so pretty to see all the trees dressed in their finery of golds, reds, greens, and yellows, while so many of their pretty leaves are softly floating in the air on their way to the ground. Soon people will be out raking all the leaves up and then the children and dogs will be playing in them. Another fun part of fall in East Tennessee.

Yesterday late afternoon there was an accident here in our village. Mayor Bill was stopped, waiting for the school bus to leave our street. The school bus backed up without paying attention to who was behind him or anything else. He just backed up. The 20 plus kids in the bus were telling him to stop that there was someone behind him. He ignored them and backed into Bill’s car. Even though Bill was stopped the impact tossed him out of the car onto the ground where he laid for 20 minutes.

The police were called and they came as did the assistant principal of the school and I am not sure who all else. The tow truck. Today, Bill is now driving a loaner car, his car has been towed off to the car doctor and time will tell if it is salvageable or not. Bill is feeling sad about his car and upset that the bus driver didn’t pay attention to where he was backing up, or to the kids. Physically he says he is alright. Now to see what the insurance company does. To be continued at a later blog.

The latest form the Honeymoon couple is that Hawaii doesn’t have Coke products, just Pepsi! Not even ice tea! Dottie said, “Fine!! I won’t be going to Hawaii!” I didn’t ask if they had coffee.

Quote of the day: “Getting a husband is like buying an old house. You don’t see it the way it is but the way it’s going to be when you get it remodeled.” My calendar

I doubt Tammy will be remodeling her husband as she seems to think he is perfect the way he is. After all, He is NEW!

I believe Pamela feels the same about her NEW husband. She seems to think he is the cat’s MEOW or Roxie’s Bow wow!

Have a great rest of your Tuesday. Make it a forward moving, cheerful, kind, productive and fun day.



Monday, October 24, 2022 Sunny Chilly Breezy 42 Degrees 9:23 A.M.

A beautiful Monday after a very busy but good weekend. The wedding on Friday, The Vols football game on Saturday and church, breakfast, a bit of shopping and clearing Tina’s room out on Sunday. Yes, I think I am glad to see Monday here. A relaxing, quite, take time to do things, day. Meaning no hurry and scurrying. Time to taste the coffee.

The wedding was beautiful. It was simple, with just family and the photographer at the courthouse. The bride, Tammy looked so pretty in her off white dress with a lovely bouquet of roses and fall flowers. Her hair was pulled back and held in place with a pearl barrette, her jewelry was pearl and gold earrings and diamond earrings, and pearl and gold necklace. She had a white stole with a fur collar, and white ankle strap heels. She looked stunning.

The groom, Jerry, wore a navy blue suite, white shirt and brown tie. (fall color). Noah, Tammy’ s son, wore a navy blue suit with a white shirt and brown tie. (fall color). Both men wore boutonnieres of a fall colored rose. Dottie, Tammy’s mom, wore a burgundy dress with gold heels, and gold jewelry. She had a black stole with a fur collar. I, Jerry’s mom, wore a black dress trimmed in white , with a gold jacket, black shoes and gold jewelry. Tammy’s daughter wore a brown dress, brown shoes and gold earrings with a cream colored coat. Tina wore a blown pants suit with fall colored leaves of shades of golds. Brown wedges and a cream colored sweater. Her jewelry was pearl and gold earrings. Tammy’s dad wore navy blue slacks and a blue and white plaid shirt.

The reception was held at Calhoun’s on the River. there were four round tables plus a smaller table up front for the bride and groom and a corner table in one corner for the guest book and gifts. Both Tammy and Jerry specified NO GIFTS but so many pay no attention to that. Tammy’s brother and his wife and her two children were there. Many of Tammy;s friends and their spouses attended. Some of Jerry’s co-workers and their spouses were in attendance as well. All so friendly, interesting and fun.

The food, served buffet style, was Prime Rib, Salmon, twice baked potatoes, almond green beans, creamed spinach, salad and rolls. The wedding cake, which was a red velvet cake with white icing, was beautiful. All delirious. What a wonderful evening with wonderful people. We now have Mr. & Mrs. Jerald Lynn Walters.

Quote of the day: “You’re not old unless you get wrinkles in your heart”. My Calendar

Have a great Monday, the start of a new work week. Make it a profitable, forward, pleasant, prosperous and fun day.



Friday, October 21, 2022 Sunny Freezing Calm 32 Degrees 8:42 a.m.

Today is the big day! Jerry and Tammy are saying their “I Do’s” this afternoon. I know that all will be excited to witness and celebrate the start of the new chapter in their lives as Mr. and Mrs. All the great adventures, milestones, and blessings they will share together.

Dottie and I are excited as well. Dottie gains and son and I gain a daughter. Tina, Jimmy, Joe-ee and Jeff gain a sister. How great is that! A bubbly, fun, energetic and smart lady is joining the Walters family.

Also today, Pamela Johnson, neighbor, friend and my game partner is getting married to a very nice man named Jerry. They will be sharing a life filled with new adventures, games, energy and fun. The new chapter in their lives as Mr. and Mrs. will filled with love of family, friends, and blessings.

Now, I am having to get ready for this big day. So much to do. The normal daily duties of pick up and put away, dishes, and bed making, etc. then get dressed and make sure I have camera and cards and all that I need to take. And make sure Tina has all she needs to take. I am not sure what that is, but i will remind er just in case.

Quote of the day: “Keep your heart brave and your imagination wild.” Taken off the sack from Hallmark Cards.

Have a wonderful Friday and a fantastic, safe, fun, adventurous a healthy weekend.



Thursday, October 20, 2022 Sunny Chilly Windy 59 Degrees 3:54 p.m.

The weatherman says that tomorrow will be warmer, a high of 67 degrees. We shall see. I hope so. It is so pretty with all the trees changing colors and the brisk air seems so clear and clean. But it is chilly outdoors. Indoors it is nice.

Today us gals went and had our nails done in perpetration for tomorrow’s wedding. Afterwards we went to “201” and had lunch. The food was good and the company better. I think all enjoyed the restaurant.

Tammy is so excited. After leaving us her and her daughter were off to pick up the wedding cake and get their toes done. She had a gift card for that. She wants everything to be perfect and all to go smoothly. I hope that it does. If everyone shows up on time and at the right place, it will be great. I will report tomorrow, or more likely Monday’s blog will be all about the wedding.

Other then that, here things are quiet. Both Tina and I got our Covid boosters yesterday and I got my flu shot. I am fine and Tina is sore and achy. So she is upstairs in bed and I am downstairs doing the blog and other things that need attention. I need to mop floors as something green has been spilled on the kitchen floor. A mystery spill! I believe dinner will be chicken noodle soup, or maybe tomato soup. The comfort food when one doesn’t feel up to par. I feel fine but soup is always good on a cold and windy day.

Quote of the day: ” It is impossible to feel miserable while imaging ourselves wearing the crown Jesus has promised us and saying, “Thank you God”. It’s just as hard to stick a perky geranium in your hat and be gloomy.” My Calendar.

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a thrifty, saving, happy and fun day.
