Tuesday, November 29, 2022 Foggy Cold Maybe Sunny 36 Degrees 8:30 a.m.

We had a very busy weekend here in East Tennessee. We didn’t get to move Dottie. but we did accomplish the house decorating. At least most of it. There are still things to be done, like the outside decorations and a few indoor ones. Mostly rearranging what we have out and up. I need help with my new train. It is a bit more complicated then what we thought when we bought it. Other then that, all is good.

Dottie came and spent the night Saturday. She was such a great help in putting up the tree and decorating. She is a very talented lady. We had fun visiting as we worked at the decorations. Max was there but not really interested in the goings o, just slept . the cats were equally as interested in everything. Milo did venture to check out the tree but found it not to his liking. We weren’t generous with giving him ornaments to play with. Sierra just watched from the back of the couch for a bit then curled up in her bed and napped through most of the day.

By dinner time we three were ready for the Taco Stew that had been simmering in the crock pot all day. It smelled so good and we were so ready to sit down and relax. We watched a couple of TV programs and then up the stairs and to bed.

Sunday morning we were up and ready to enjoy coffee and look at the pretty Christmas trees and relax.

Tammy texted and said we were to be ready to go at 11:30 a.m. as there was a basket ball game going on at the University so we would need to leave earlier so we could park, etc. So Dottie got dressed and her and Max left for home. Tina and I got showered and ready to go. Tammy arrived promptly at 11:35, and we were ready. Off we went to pick up Dottie, then headed out to the University of Tennessee. WOW! it is a big place with many buildings, old and new. Very pretty. Tammy drove around the whole area then found the right building and a parking place fairly close.

Inside we bought drinks and pop corn, then waited to be seated. We had great seats with a perfect view of everything, and could hear very well. The play, ” A Christmas Carol”. was excellent. The cast did their parts to perfection and the scenery was perfect. We enjoyed it very much. I, as well as Tina, Tammy and Dottie was surprised at how many young children were there. Three and four year olds were sitting close to us. Their parents had to spend more time either explaining different things to them or comforting them. A Christmas Carol is a rather dark story . None of us would of though to bring a small child to it. Maybe Junior High age on up. All in all, it was a great stage play and much enjoyed by us four.

I missed Monday’s blog. I had to have a day of “rest”. Am great today with energy and a feel the ability to get things done. I sure hope it lasts all day long.

Quote of the day: “Most people have minds like concrete; mixed up or permanently set.” My calendar

Have a great Tuesday. Make it a safe, refreshing, prosperous and fun day.
