Tuesday, December 6, 2022 Cloudy Rainy Cold 49 Degrees 1:30 p.m.

Another rainy day. Very dark and a bit dreary. In here it is nice. I have the fireplace going, the the fire, not the heat. That would really run up the electric bill. The fire is nice and very real looking. Makes one feel warm and cozy.

Nothing exciting going on here today. There is a lot of traffic on the turnpike so people aren’t staying home because of the weather. I understand the store are enjoying many shoppers daily and that is good. There is a craft and small business show this Saturday so we might go and see what that is about. According to the weatherman it isn’t supposed to rain on Saturday. Not again until Sunday.

I am looking for clips to put up a wall hanging. I know that I put them away carefully so that they wouldn’t get lost. They are safe. I just don’t know where I put them. We have had to move things around a bit to accommodate Christmas decorations so I probably stuck them in some out of the way place. Now to find them so we can hang up the Christmas wall hanging. My afternoon adventure.

Quote of the day: “Over the years I’ve learned who is my friend and who is not my friend. Gravity is not my friend.” My calendar

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a pleasant, active, productive and fun day.



Monday, December 5, 2022 Raining Cold Wintery 40 Degrees 1:56 p.m.

Here it is the first Monday in December. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is in full swing. There ares sales everywhere, stores, shops, car lots, real estate, nursery’s and who knows where else. We are about done with our shopping and most of the mailing. We have the cards left and a bunch of wrapping yet to do. Not bad for me who is always working into the wee hours of Christmas morning to get everything done.

The weekend was a buys one. Friday Tina dropped me off at Jerry and Tammy’s to go with them to Dottie’s new home. the plan was to move is as much of her stuff from her current place to the new place. That would of been great. However the power pole wasn’t in so there is no electricity and no water. That makes doing much there next to impossible. Tammy and Noah got two blinds up, we got Tammy’s car unloaded which helped but wasn’t more then a small drop in the bucket. So we will hurry up and wait some more. I think she will start the new year with moving into her new home. My heart aches for her, Jerry and Tammy. This perfect plan has turned into a long, stretched out project.

Saturday started out rainy. The rain stopped around 11:00 a.m. so Tina and I took off to run some errands. Of course the rest of the area was out doing the same thing so every place was crowded. We went to the post office and mailed packages, then to Hobby Lobby to look for some garland for the front of the house, then to Walmart for assorted items, then Home Goods, Staples and then dinner at Outback. Not a good choice as it wasn’t the best meal we have had there. Must have new cooks. Finally home. Sierra was eagerly waiting for her very late dinner. Today I once again found another reason I dislike shopping at Staples. I was entering my purchases in my check gook and found out that I was charged $49.32 for one ream of 20lb. Hammermill , 8 1/2″ x 11 “, copy paper. I am a bit miffed, both at them for being either very careless or dishonest and me for not paying better attention both there and when I got home. So far I haven’t found the receipt. It just shows up on my banking statement.

Sunday was very overcast and cold. I don’t think it ever got to 50 degrees and the sun didn’t show its’ face either. We worked at different projects. Charles came over and helped put up the Christmas decorations over and around the posts and entrance way.

Dottie came to cut both Tina’s and my hair. She visited for a bit then returned home as Max was waiting for her. She said that he had such a big weekend that he was plum tuckered and busy napping on the couch. Poor Puppy. She said that they tried to leave Max in his crate while they went into a store. That didn’t work out to well. Tammy’s car is equipped with the child safety locks, etc. So every time they headed away from the car, and Max moved, the alarm went off loud and clear, so they had to go back/ After the third time of, re-arranging him, moving him into the very back, they gave up. He got to go shopping with them. That is to keep people from forgetting their children in the car. It works well for puppy dogs, too.

We watched the Dolly Parton Christmas movie and it was very good. I believe all should watch it and that it should be shown several times during the year. The messages were very much needed in this day and age. If you haven’t see it, please try and do so. I believe you will appreciate the whole movie, or program.

quote of the day: “How far you will go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate wit the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and the strong—-because someday in life you will be all of these.” George Washington Carver

Have a great rest of you Monday. Make it joyful, smiling, busy, and fun.



Thursday, December 1, 2022 Sunny Cold Breezy 42 Degrees 1:08 p.m.

Contrary to what the computer is telling me, there are a few high white clouds floating around.

Today, is the first of December and 24 days until Christmas. Shopping at the top of the list. Gifts need to be wrapped, packages need to be mailed and cards written, decorating finished up and baking and cooking an on going thing.

The amount of Christmas activities are astounding! Parades, Pageants, Parties, Plays; Bake Sales, Yard Sales, Garage Sales, and Flee Markets to browse through. Every store is having great sales, prices marked up so they can mark then down and say “SALE”. (not all stores). Even car lots are having “Christmas sales” and that is something new, I think. A fun time of the year.

Here, today, I have been artsy crafty and am painting a trinket box for a gift. I am in hopes that it turns out well and can be used for what my idea is. Can’t say what that is as it would be a great clue to who it is intended for. But it is fun doing this and I might try it again. Sierra has sat back and watched me from afar. I think she is afraid I might miss the box and paint her.

Today is quiet with not much in the way of outdoor activities going on. I guess it is to cold for even the dogs to want to go out. It is the winter meteorologic time so guess being cold is Okay. Of course they say it will warm up some next week and added rain most days next week plus a bit of the weekend. So goes life.

I’m not sure if the power pole got in or just what is going on with the “move.” Both Tina and I are ready to help when the time comes. I know that Dottie is more then ready as is Tammy and Jerry. It has been a hurry up and wait project. Maybe by Christmas Dottie will be in her new home.

Quote of the day: “God gave us memories so that we may have roses in December.” Sir James M. Barrie

Have a great rest of your day. Make it a day of possibilities, productivity, imagination, and fun.
