Friday, January 13, 2023 Cold Cloudy Breezy 40 Degrees 3:40 p.m.

We had our big Wind, Rain, Thunder, Lightening storm yesterday. I thought better of being on the computer with all the weather activity so stayed off. Today is much calmer but also colder. We have had some light rain showers but nothing like yesterday. Tomorrow should be “sunny” but colder. We shall see.

It has been a quiet but busy week. I am working on cleaning out files, preparing rot the income tax season. I guess things will be a bit different this year. Social Security has to pay taxes????? I didn’t quite understand that so probably didn’t hear the whole bit the news was saying. Quite often the TV and news is in the living room and I am in the kitchen or someplace else. I was under the impression that all should do their income tax regardless. The files need cleaning out so it is a needed job, taxes or no taxes.

Today I put beans and ham bone in the crock pot for dinner. Will have corn bread to go with them. A nice hot meal to take the chill off when Tina gets home. I think that it feels cold because it is a damp cold so goes right through a person. Hot meals do help. Oat meal for breakfast, soup for lunch and beans for dinner. Maybe curl up under a nice, warm, furry throw to watch TV, with the cat in my lap. Sounds good anyhow.

The weekend will probably be quiet. We are going to go see about the cable for the TV. That bill keeps climbing so we are going to make a change of some kind tomorrow. WE have some ideas and a couple of options but will see if there is more out there. For me, the radio works great and I have good books to read. I do like TV and several shows, but we record most of them because they come on later then we can stay awake. That is one thing we will have to consider.

Quote of the day: “Life is like riding a bicycle. You don’t fall off unless you stop pedaling.” My calendar.

Have a great rest of your Friday and a wonderful dry, warm, comfortable, adventurous and fun weekend.
