Monday, January 30, 2023 Cloudy Cold Damp Still 52 Degrees 4:48 p.m.

I must say we do get the rain here this year. Friday was nice after it quit raining in the morning. I got busy around here and didn’t get my blog done. I am so sorry. The sad part is I didn’t get out and do the rose bush or the bird feeder as I thought I would. I still have that to do. those two items are on my January to do list. I have to do it tonight or tomorrow. After the rain quits.

Saturday was sunny and cold. We got up and had our coffee, then dressed and left for Knoxville. We were going to meet Jerry and Tammy and Dottie and go to the chocolate festival, but after discovering that it was a lot of walking with booths for different vendor, then a place to sit down and sample each type of chocolate we decided to forgo those yummy calories. We, instead, went to Dottie’s. She was ready to go so off we went to COSCO. They were packed but Tina managed to get a parking spot after dropping Dottie and I at the door. After COSCO we went to Chewy’s for lunch. It was good. After having lunch we went to Walmart as both Dottie and us needed things from there. After leaving there we took Dottie home. She cut both Tina’s and my hair. She does such a good job. I am always amazed at how much hair she cuts off as it seems like I had just had it cut. It had been two months.

Sunday was a stay at home day and enjoy the rain!!! We watched Charles Stanley, had a big breakfast, did laundry, gathered all the trash and got it out ready for the garbage men. That was about it. Watched TV and read a bit, played on the computer, etc.

Today it has been write letters and do birthday cards. I seem to get to them at the very moment they are due. So I need to work on my timing of those items. i also want to start getting the Family Tree book together and in order. I need to add events and people, etc.

Quote of the day: “it’s tough to be at the age at which, when you go all out, you end up all in,” My calendar

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a cheerful, sunny, pleasant, productive and fun day.