Monday, January 9, 2023 Mostly Sunny Slight Breeze Cold 46 Degrees 3:27 p.m.

It is now the ninth day of the new year. So far it has been a busy year, weather wise, sports wise, political wise, military wise and even here in Oak Ridge. All in just nine days.

Yesterday Tammy, Dottie, Tina and I went to the Tennessee Theater and was the stage play, “Tootsie”. It was cute, funny and all around great. The players were fabulous. All very talented and never skipped a beat in their rolls. A great experience and wonderful way to spend a rainy, cold cloudy, damp afternoon. Afterwards we went to The Barley Pizza for dinner. That was also a fun experience.

The Tennessee Theater is a very old, well preserved, re-furbished theater in the heart of Knoxville. It is beautiful with all the elegance of the 1980 and early 1900s. I do hope to go back for a few things. It is like the Smith Center in Las Vegas with having stage plays, groups, touring concerts, and individual performers, etc. They are having, this year so far, CATS, HAMILTON, AIN’T TOO PROUD and ,music individuals such as Tommy Emmanuel, Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band and Home Free… ROAD SWEET ROAD. Comedians like Ruddy Guy’s Dam Right FAREWELL, WHOSE LIVE ANYWAY? and BEN FOLDS. The TEMPTATIONS stage experience will be there sometime this year, probably early fall.

That was the highlight of the weekend. I told Tina and Jerry that I couldn’t attend the theater as they didn’t allow racoon in there. Jerry, being so kind, said that he would get me a “service animal jacket”. So thoughtful.

Quote of the day: “Mental flossing regularly with God’s Word to avoid truth decay.” Darlyne J. Erickson

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a spiffy, beautiful, exciting, educational and fun day.



January 6, 2023 Sunny Cool Breezy Few High Clouds 50 Degrees 3:00 p.m.

It is a pretty but cool day. The wind is chilly but the sun feels good. A nice day, but rain predicted for tomorrow and Sunday. It seems like a weekend trend lately. Sunday we are to go to the Tennessee Theater to see the stage play, Tootsie. That should be good. Us ladies are looking forward to it.

We didn’t get home until 8:15 last evening, having left at 6:45 yesterday morning. Sierra was at the door ready to give us a lecture of being out past her dinner time. She let us know that it was late and she was hungry and needed her lap and petting time. There is nothing like being on a nice warm throw on someone’s lap, being petted while they watch TV. After dinner of course.

Dottie has moved into her new home and is now working at getting it straightened out and things put away and fixed the way she wants it. There are some issues that have to be addressed by the Clayton Homes people. i found one of them. the transition that covers the seam where the two sides of the double wide are joined together isn’t installed correctly so has places that stick up a bit. My toe found one of them and I fell flat on my face. Not hurt seriously butt have a swollen nose and am taking on the look of a racoon. they are cute little critters so not to bad. A hard hit to my ego as we ended up having to call Jerry to come and get me up. With two replaced knees I couldn’t get on them though I did try. So embarrassing. When Dottie called she said: “Hello, Are you busy?” He replied: I” doing calls but will be finished about 1:30. What is up?” She replied,: Your Mom tripped and fell and we can’t get her up. Can you come over and help?” He said,: “Why didn’t you say that to start with? I will be right there.!” He lives about ten minutes from Dottie. He came, got me up questioned me about injuries, etc. Then scolded Dottie for not having her life alert button on. I was fine other then a bloody nose and a scab on it plus am beginning to look like a racoon. I’m not as cute as one, but there is a resemblance in the eye area.

Not much else going on here. I have been doing things today that take time but aren’t strenuous. Cleaning out files and such. Fairly safe and considered “light duty”. I did do dishes and have coffee ready for in the morning. Of course spoiled the cat a bit.

Quote of the day: “Once you have tasted flight you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.” Leonardo de Vinci

Have a fantastic Friday and Wonderful, safe, dry, warm, enjoyable and fun weekend.



Wednesday, January 4, 2022 Sunny Windy Clear 65 Degrees 3:53 p.m.

A beautiful day after a night and morning of rain, wind, lightening, thunder and just plain wet. We should be dry and cool now for a couple of days. I think that later on I will gather then outdoor stuff and bring it in. Not to much but a coup;e of lanterns that go with the Christmas stuff and the garland that is wrapped around the front poles. It is past time for them to come down and be put away. With the rain and wind we didn’t think to much about what was outside.

Pamela and Jerry came over this morning for games. Pamela beat me soundly at Yahtzee 194 to 300 + but I beat her at Scatagories 100 to 101. this is the first time Jerry has played and he only played Scatagories. He lost but enjoyed the game. He did well with a score of 75. I hope that they enjoyed the games and it helped take their minds off Roxy being at the vets for a little while.

Roxy is doing much better today so if her vitals are still good and going up in the morning she will get to go home. She is eating a bit and that is a good sign. Trident Sugar Free Gum is not good for puppy dogs who can climb on hassocks and reach the night stand to swipe whatever is left on there , off. That is how she got the gum.

Tina is at work and feeling so much better. She is glad to be back and said that all of her office personnel had returned to work from the Christmas holidays. Most had enjoyed a ill free holidays but some had been recuperating from the COVID or the flu, or both. It seems to of hit most everyone in that building at one time or the other. I am glad all are well or at least on the mend.

Dottie is doing well in her new home. Max, however , misses his old home and the grass. He still doesn’t like the fake stuff so has to be walked up the one driveway to where there is a bit of grass. He also hasn’t learned his way around the new house yet and keeps finding walls, furniture etc. to bump into. I know it will take him time to get his bearings and know where everything is. he is happy to have the couch back.

I am going over there tomorrow and see how pretty she has got it. After all, she has been in it at least five days now so might be all settled. I doubt it as I know how long it takes to get everything just where you want it and where it works for you. As I told her, take your time and fix things as you like them and how everything works for you. It is her home and she is the one living in it so should be comfortable.

Time to think about getting dinner started. I think tonight is pork chops. We haven’t had those for quite a while. Tina has a salad she wants to make when she gets home so that will go gooe with the port chops. i will fix a veggie and probably rice.

Quote of the day: ” Mothers seem to have a sixth sense about impending disasters. it’s as if we have a built-in radar system attached to an invisible satellite dish that constantly whirls on top of our heads, anxiously searching for any hint of trouble. Otherwise why would the classic warning come so easily to us?” My Calendar

Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a humerus, cheerful, sociable, profitable and fun day.



Tuesday, January 3, 2022 Raining, Windy, Stormy Tornado Watch 66 Degrees 3:42 p.m.

Happy New Year! The start of a new year, new adventures, new laws, new rules, new finances, and new guidelines.

New Years Eve here was quiet. We were in bed by 10:00 p.m. Tina went up a bit earlier. New Years Day was also quiet. The house was back in order as all the Christmas stuff got put away on Friday. It now looks very nice and comfortable, not cluttered.


Tina went back to work. She said that she is feeling O.K. but tired. I think the COVID leaves a person feeling tired for quite awhile. She is glad to be back at work and seeing all her coworkers are there. Even Monica who started out two days before Tina with the COVID crud. She went into having sinus issues also. I am glad that they are all back at work and feeling quite well, considering.

Dottie has been moved into her new home and is busy getting settled. I understand Max isn’t quite happy with the new place and misses his old stomping grounds where he knew every nook and corner. Being blind has to be very hard on him. He has to learn the whole house now, and it is a much bigger house. He doesn’t like “turf” grass, prefers real grass so Dottie has to take him up along the fence line to go potty. She won’t get real grass until after her old mobile home has been moved in and settled. Hopefully by the end of the month. Meanwhile Max might get use to Turf Grass. They st up a small round fenced in area for him with the turff in the center of it.

We are having a major thunder storm so am going to go ahead and post this now. The storm will last probably on and off through tomorrow morning. So will see you then.

Quote of the day: ” My mind contains many good ideas but it’s now always easy to squeeze them out.”

Ashleigh Brilliant My Calendar
