Wednesday, February 15, 2023 Cloudy Breezy Cool Rain Expected 61 Degrees 4:49 p.m.

It has been a busy day. Pamela came over this morning and we played games until nearly noon. We started with the new game that Diana & Family got me for Christmas. It is HUES and CLUES. We played for a bit but finally gave up as she is color blind, can’t get faded colors so made playing difficult. We then played Canasta. That went much better. It was a good game and we both had out ups and downs, great hands and poor hands. I finally won. I was sure that she would win but I finally got the right card and took the stack that was very high, and won. What a morning!

This afternoon I have done some of the things that I have on my to do list. Each little project completed is an accomplishment. I try and do one a day but that doesn’t always work. I am still on the answering letters project. I hope to get it caught up this week.

Nothing else going on, including me sitting down and reading the book on the Profit of Oak Ridge. I hope to get that accomplished this week also. The week is only half over.

Time to start dinner. It will be a light one as Tina had a big lunch so isn’t very hungry. We shall see.

Quote of the day: SIGN PAINTED ON HOUSE DESTROYED BY EARTHQUAKE “The fat lady has sung.”

My Calendar.

Have a great rest of your hump day. Make it an enjoyable , relaxing, social, cozy and fun one.
