Wednesday, February 22, 2023 Mostly sunny, Windy Warm 69 Degrees 4:09 p.m.
A beautiful Wednesday, and a busy Wednesday. It has been a fun day, starting with Sharon coming for coffee in the a.m. What fun to have someone to chat with, and laugh with over morning coffee. We discussed the pros and cons of having a cat or a dog and all the responsibility that goes with it. What ever happened to the days when you had a pet that didn’t require as much care, attention, and expense as a child!
After she left, I did up my few dishes and straightened up the house a bit. Pamela called and asked if I was in the mood for games today. I said yes, come on over. So she and Roxy came. Just as we were starting the game Julie and Rocco came and brought over a antenna for Tina and I to try on our TV’s. She didn’t stay saying she had groceries to unload.
We played a game of Yahtzee and half of another one. We left then to meet her dad at Hardy’s in Oliver Springs for lunch. A great hamburger and fries. After chatting we left. She needed to go to Pet Smart so we went there. I bought two different kinds of cat food to see if Sierra would like either of them. Then to Walgreens where she picked up a few things she needed and I got salad dressings. I noticed that there were several empty shelves there. She said that Kroger’s was picking up all of their stuff so I guess that they are no longer associated with each other. Then home.
Pamela brought Roxy to spend time with me while her dad and Bill loaded a chest of drawers in Bill’s SUV Roxy tends to want to help. So that was accomplished and she came and got Roxy and off to her home they went. We have such good neighbors here. Always ready to help and lend a hand if needed. Friendly, kind, and caring.
Now it is time to think about dinner and the evening. What a busy and fun day. Tina will be home in about 45 minutes. Sierra is napping now but will be at the door to greet her as soon as she hears the car.
Quote of the day: ” PRICELESS GIFTS TO GIVE FOR FREE: The gift of laughter: Share articles, funny stories, and cartoons to tell someone, “I love to laugh with you.”” My calendar
Have a great rest of your Wednesday. Make it a cheerful, humorous, friendly, kind and fun day.