February, 8. 2023 Cloudy Sprinkling Cool Still 52 Degrees 3:38 p.m.

A day of rain, showers, clouds and quiet. I had a mission to accomplish today so have spent most of the day going through the pile of magazines that had gathered under the bottom shelf of the coffee table. I have 4 left to go through, I am always amazed at how fast they collect and how slow I am at getting them read. I hope to do better in the future.

Yesterday I got involved in looking through a book Tina bought at the museum Saturday. The book, “THE STORY OF JOHN HENDRIX, THE PROPHET OF OAK RIDGE”, tells of a man who had lost all six members of his family. He turned to the Lord for comfort and understanding, walking in the woods and praying. He had dreams that were hard to understand but he knew that they had deep meaning. His dreams told of what would take place in the small towns where he lived and farmed, and what great impact would come from all that would transpire there. The author of this book is Myra Mansfield. I can’t wait to read more as it is what came to pass and what made The Manhattan Project the one major tool that ended World War II. More tomorrow as I read more on the story of John Hendrix.

Now it is time to think about dinner and Sierra thinks that it must be time for her dinner. She does enjoy eating, Especially treats.

Quote of the day: “While a blessing of kindness ripples outward to others, it boomerangs right back to the one who threw that pebble.” My calendar

Have a great rest of you day. Make it a cheerful, relaxing, educational, sociable and fun day.



Monday, February6 , 2023 Sunny Clear Still Beautiful 60 Degrees 3:58 p.m.

A great weekend. It was clear on Saturday, but a bit cold and windy. Tina and I visited the American Museum of Science and Industry. That was so fascinating. I learned a whole lot, including why they laid the refrigerator down when they moved Dottie’s trailer from the trailer park to the property. They no longer use Freon. Instead they use magnetic s of some sort. there was so much information in there that I will need to go back several times just to begin to absorb a lot of it. They told about the 3 D printer that made the body of a jeep.

I guess most important was all the information concerning the bomb and world war II. It showed the buildings that the scientists worked in as well as other employees. One of the buildings was so long and big that people used bicycles to get from one end of it to the other. The people who worked for Y-2K and the Manhattan project didn’t know what they were working on. Each area had a part and that is all they knew. They didn’t know they were building the atom bomb. All tied in with the test site in Nevada, and what part Nevada played in the bomb. Also Manhattan, in New York, built a part of the bomb. So interesting. We bought a book so will have to do a lot of reading.

They have a great gift shop with interesting games, books, and great stocking suffers. We will go back there before Christmas and do a bit of shopping. We will probably go back and see more of the museum. We were there for over two hours and still didn’t see it all.

Jerry, Tammy, and Dottie came for dinner Saturday evening so that was fun. Tina had put Chili in the crock pot before we left. I made corn bread after we got home. It turned out good. Jerry said that he watches the show Yellowstone and on that show it said that in Texas they don’t put beans in chili. If beans are added it is called stew. We had their version of stew.

Must get dinner going.

Quote of the day: “Epitaph over a dentist’s grave: He is filling his last cavity.”

Have a great rest of your Monday. Make it a productive, positive, pleasant, peaceful and fun day.



Friday, February 3, 2023 Sunny Breezy Beautiful Cold 39 Degrees 4:00 p.m.

The moon woke me up this morning, shining right in my bedroom window. It is a full moon and so bright and pretty. The temperature was 32 degrees so a bit chilly crawling out from the warm covers. The house was at 68 which isn’t bad at all, except when you crawl out from the warm blankets.

The day has been sunny and bright, but very cold. I believe 39 is as high as we have gotten, and the wind hasn’t helped to warm things up, but I have no complaints as seeing sunshine is awesome. The sun coming in the windows has helped keep the house warm. Sierra has spent most of the day laying in the sun, moving when the sun moves. All need the sun. Maybe the solar lights in the yard will work tonight. They also need sun!!

Last evening, after Tina got home, we went to Walmart as I needed some of the mounting squares so I could finish the memory album I am working on. WE look and looked and finally found a pack. I grabbed two as they seem to be hard to find. We picked up a couple of other items, like cat litter, and checked out. Today I finished the part of the memory album that I have the pictures for, so far. My mounting squares turned out to be glue dots. I used some of them and also Elmer’s glue stick. I will go to Hobby Lobby tomorrow and get the real mounting squares. I will also look before I buy!

Quote of the day: “Inside every older person There’s a younger person wondering what happened?.” Ashleigh Brilliant

Have a great rest of your Friday. And a super fantastic weekend. Make it a safe, energetic, warm, ambitious, safe and fun one.



Thursday, February 2, 2023 Rainy a.m, Cloudy Breezy Cold 43 Degrees 3:44 p.m.

Another cold winter day. The weatherman said that the rain has stopped in this area for now and we should have sunshine and a bit warmer for the next fives days. That would be Fantastic.):

Today, I have done the usual household chores and then started scrap booking a book that will be Tina’s as the first package of pictures I picked up out of the drawer is pictures of her graduation from the University of Phoenix. I will get it done shortly, probably tomorrow. Then I will see what surprise greets me next.

The soup and corn bred was so good last night. It fit the need of something hot as well as nourishing to end the day with. After cleaning up the kitchen we watched TV for a bit then went upstairs to bed. I am reading a good book so curled up under the warm covers and read for an hour or so. Sierra curled up there with me, sort of snuggling under the top cover. I guess she thought it was a good warm place also.

This morning it was 33 degree when we got up, so chilly. Tomorrow morning, so they say, it will be colder. We will again leave the back bathroom dink faucet dripping and the cupboard door open. We don’t want frozen pipes. There have been a lot of them in the Oak Ridge, Knoxville,Clinton area this winter. Plumbers have been kept busy.

Quote of the day: ” The hope of heaven, the knowledge that we’ll someday enjoy “peace eternal”, means we can face anything here on earth as long as we focus on the joy that’s waiting for us in heaven.” My Calendar

Have a great rest of your Thursday. Make it a fantastic, fancy, favorite, and fun rest of your day.
