Wednesday, February 1, 2023 Cloudy Cold Still 41 Degrees 4:33 p.m.
Hello February. Winter is still with us. We are no in the icy part of the latest storms, but it is still cold, the damp bone chilling cold. To keep the furnace from running constantly I am dressed warm, or at least as warm as I can and still be able to move and do things. This is my blouse, sweater and a vest. It works quite well. I have hand warmers but think feet warmers would be a great invention, or purchase if they make them.
After listening to the news and of how terribly cold it is in Chicago and so many other places in the middle of the United States and the North East, I have no complaints. My heart goes out to all those who are suffering from the cold. I think of the homeless, those who can’t afford their heating bills, and those who have all and still can’t use what they have because of no electricity, or what ever keeps their stoves going. It is a rough winter indeed.
Here it is dinner time and time for me to get my corned bread made. We are having vegetable soup, made by Dottie. It is so good. That and corned bread and I am not sure about desert as yet.
Quote of the day: “Women. Remember, as we get older we are no longer having hot flashes. They are now called power surges!” My calendar
Have a great rest of your day. Make it a bright, shiny , cheerful and fun day.